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The Utopia of Herbert Marcuse Part 2: Freudianism


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In the first part of the article we discussed the Marxian idea of abolition of labor, i.e. its centrality in Marx's first vision of communism and Marx's retreat from this idea in his late writings, and the resumption of this idea by Herbert Marcus, who turned it into the basis of liberation from all forms of exploitation and domination in his own teachings. In reviving the Marxian idea of abolition of labor Marcuse 'eroticized' non-instrumental production (non-labor production). In his mature teachings, erotic activity, in a broad sense, is identical with non-instrumental activity. He viewed the pleasure principle in Freud's theory as a principle that stands for non-instrumental activities and non-instrumental society in general. Freud's theory of culture actually describes the rise and triumph of non-erotic, instrumental society dominated by the reality principle. Socialism would turn again the pleasure principle (which also appeared in ancient hedonistic socio-philosophical streams) that has hitherto been suppressed in the course of human history, into the new basis of society. Thus, productive activity would become play, or sensuous artistic activity. This new, sensuous activity (sensuous, 'erotic' non-labor) would become pivotal in the new, non-exploitative social relations, also envisaged as 'feminist socialism'.
机译:在本文的第一部分中,我们讨论了马克思的废除劳动观念,即它在马克思对共产主义的第一愿景中的中心地位以及马克思在其后期著作中对这一观念的退缩,以及由赫伯特·马库斯(Herbert Marcus)重新提出的这一观念。成为他自己教义中从一切形式的剥削和统治中解放出来的基础。在复兴马克思废除劳动的思想时,马尔库塞“色情化”了非工具性生产(非劳动性生产)。在他的成熟教义中,广义上的色情活动与非乐器活动相同。他认为弗洛伊德理论中的愉悦性原则是代表非工具性活动和整个非工具性社会的原则。弗洛伊德的文化理论实际上描述了以现实原理为主导的非色情,工具性社会的兴起和胜利。社会主义将再次把在人类历史过程中被压制的享乐原则(也出现在古代享乐主义社会哲学流中)转变为社会的新基础。因此,生产活动将成为一种娱乐活动,或者是感性的艺术活动。这种新的,感性的活动(感性,“色情”的非劳动)将在新的,非剥削性的社会关系(也被设想为“女权社会主义”)中发挥关键作用。



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