This study sought to evaluate sociosanitary conditions and their impact on the quality of life of the elderly living in the Teixeiras Municipal'/> The influence of sociosanitary conditions on the quality of life of the elderly in a municipality in the Southeast of Brazil
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >The influence of sociosanitary conditions on the quality of life of the elderly in a municipality in the Southeast of Brazil

The influence of sociosanitary conditions on the quality of life of the elderly in a municipality in the Southeast of Brazil




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This study sought to evaluate sociosanitary conditions and their impact on the quality of life of the elderly living in the Teixeiras Municipality in the Southeast Region (MG) of Brazil. Two questionnaires were used: one created specifically to characterize the population in terms of sociosanitary conditions, and WHOQOL-bref, to evaluate quality of life. The correlation between the sociosanitary conditions and quality of life scores were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Among the variables with a strong correlation with quality of life scores the following stand out: use of medication, need of medical care, lack of private health insurance, comorbidities, sleep problems, and retirement. The results of this study indicate that sociosanitary conditions are high risk factors for low quality of life scores in the elderly. This must be taken into consideration to establish health strategies and policies for this age group.
机译:> face =“Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif”size =“2”>本研究寻求评估社会局部条件及其对东南Teixeiras市老人生活质量的影响巴西地区(Mg)。使用了两个问卷:一个专门为社会条件和Whoqol-Bref而设计的人口,以评估生活质量。通过逻辑回归分析分析了社交病理条件与寿命分数之间的相关性。在与生活质量相关的变量中,以下突出:使用药物,需要医疗保险,缺乏私人健康保险,合并症,睡眠问题和退休。该研究的结果表明,在老年人的生活质量得分低的危险因素是高风险因素。必须考虑到建立这个年龄组的健康战略和政策。



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