This study analyses the opinion of teachers regarding the inclusion of contents on Bioethics in the curricular structure of high school. Six schools were selected: three pub'/> Education: new frontier of bioethics
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Education: new frontier of bioethics




> size="2" face="Verdana">This study analyses the opinion of teachers regarding the inclusion of contents on Bioethics in the curricular structure of high school. Six schools were selected: three public and three private in the main administrative region of Brasília. In a universe of 340 teachers, 150 joined the research. They were given a questionnaire with answers about the existence or not of curricular contents related to the construction of values in the students. The second phase counted with 140 teachers out of those who joined the first part of the research. These teachers received a text briefly explaining what Bioethics is with a closed space for answering if the inclusion of a new discipline on Bioethics would help creating values and ethics attitudes in the students. There was space for justifying this answer. Data analysis showed that: (a) the school has not carried out its role as an instrument of a critical vision; (b) according to the teachers, this is the result of the absence of a discipline focused on the approach to ethic questions; (c) 51% of the respondents took sides with the inclusion of a discipline that deals with Bioethics in the curricular structure of high school because they believe that it would help the construction of the students' moral values and affirmative attitudes.
机译:> size =“2”面部=“Verdana”>本研究分析了教师关于在高中课程结构中纳入生物伦理的内容的意见。六所学校被选中:三个公共和三个私人在布拉西利亚的主要行政区域。在340名教师的宇宙中,150加入了这项研究。他们给出了一个关于存在与学生价值的课程内容的答案的问卷调查问卷。第二阶段与那些加入研究第一部分的人中有140名教师。这些教师收到了一个简要解释的文本,解释了生物伦理学在封闭空间内有用于回答的空间,如果纳入对生物伦理​​学的新学科有助于创造学生的价值观和道德态度。有空间用于证明这个答案。数据分析表明:(a)学校尚未作为批判性愿景的工具开展其作用; (b)根据教师,这是没有专注于伦理问题的方法的纪律的结果; (c)51%的受访者将纳入一项纪律,以涉及高中课程结构中的生物伦理,因为他们认为它将有助于建设学生的道德价值观和肯定态度。



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