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Combining visual and proprioceptive cues to improve the discrimination of object location




Little is known about the way in which visual and proprioceptive cues for object location are combined. In order to investigate this, we measured the ability of participants to discriminate the location of a virtual target in the presence or absence of proprioceptive information. Participants viewed three virtual reference spheres using a head mounted display. The spheres lay on a circle of radius 14 cm and defined a reference plane that was located within easy reaching distance of the participant. In the proprioceptive condition, participants moved a hand-held pointer to the centre of each sphere in turn. When the pointer was fully inside the reference sphere, the sphere changed colour from red to green to indicate correct alignment. Once all three spheres had turned green, the participant clicked a mouse which made the spheres disappear to be replaced by a target sphere. A similar reaching movement was then performed to locate the centre of the target sphere. Once both the reference and target spheres had been located, the participant's task was to judge the depth of the target sphere relative to the plane defined by the previously-displayed reference spheres. For the vision-only condition, the procedure was similar but participants made their judgements without reaching towards either the reference or target spheres. Thresholds (defined as the standard deviation of the fitted cumulative Gaussian) were measured both with and without hand movements and also for two levels of transparency of the spheres. Results show that thresholds for combined proprioception and vision were significantly lower than for vision alone. In other words, proprioceptive input significantly improved depth discrimination despite vision being both sufficient to complete the task and necessary to define the proprioceptive cue.
机译:关于将物体位置的视觉和本体感受线索组合在一起的方式知之甚少。为了对此进行调查,我们测量了参与者在本体感受信息存在或不存在的情况下区分虚拟目标位置的能力。与会者使用头戴式显示器观看了三个虚拟参考球。这些球体位于半径为14 cm的圆上,并定义了一个参考平面,该参考平面位于参与者容易到达的距离之内。在本体感受状态下,参与者将手持指针依次移到每个球体的中心。当指针完全位于参考球内部时,该球的颜色从红色变为绿色,以指示正确的对齐方式。一旦所有三个球都变成绿色,参与者单击鼠标,使球消失,由目标球替换。然后执行类似的到达运动以定位目标球体的中心。一旦定位了参考球和目标球,参与者的任务就是判断目标球相对于先前显示的参考球定义的平面的深度。对于仅有视力的情况,程序相似,但是参与者做出的判断没有达到参考范围或目标范围。阈值(定义为拟合累积高斯的标准偏差)在有或没有手部运动的情况下以及球体的两个透明度级别下进行测量。结果表明,本体感觉和视力相结合的阈值明显低于单独视力。换句话说,尽管视觉既足以完成任务,又是定义本体感觉提示的必要条件,但是本体感觉输入显着改善了深度辨别力。



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