首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Evaluating Spatial-Based Attention Exclusivity for Hemifield Independence: Accounting for Effects of Salience, Distractor Preview, and Spatial Certainty

Evaluating Spatial-Based Attention Exclusivity for Hemifield Independence: Accounting for Effects of Salience, Distractor Preview, and Spatial Certainty




Previous research by Alvarez and colleagues (2012) found evidence of hemifield independence for spatial, but not feature-based attention in visual search. However, reaction times for feature-based searches in this study were faster than spatial-based searches, suggesting that participants may have perceived a reduced set size in the feature-based condition, masking possible hemifield effects. In three studies we further investigated the extent to which the hemifield advantage is limited to spatial-based search by evaluating the processing of distractors outside the feature and spatial subset of search items (Exp1), characterizing search array preview effects for both feature and spatiala??based search (Exp2), and manipulating spatial certainty of the feature-based search task (Exp3). In all studies, participants searched for a rotated target "T" among distractor "L"s arranged unilaterally or bilaterally in black and white at several eccentricities. Feature-based search participants were told to look only within white search items; spatial-based participants were told to look only in the middle eccentricity. In Exp1 we found that including a target item at an unattended array eccentricity had no effect on search performance for both search conditions. Interestingly, we also found evidence of hemifield independence for both search conditions. In Exp2, RTs for feature-based search were faster, regardless of whether there was a preview; hemifield advantages were only observed for spatial-based search. In Exp3 we controlled for the spatial certainty of the target in both search conditions and found neither faster RTs for feature-based search compared to spatial-based search, or a feature-based hemifield advantage, suggesting that our observation of a hemifield benefit for feature-based search in Exp1 was likely attributable to spatial certainty of where the feature-based target occurred (always in the middle eccentricity). Evidence of hemifield independence persisted for spatial-based search. These results further support the claim that hemifield independence exists exclusively for spatial-based attention.
机译:Alvarez及其同事(2012年)的先前研究发现了视觉搜索中半场独立性的证据,而不是基于特征的注意力。但是,这项研究中基于特征的搜索的反应时间比基于空间的搜索更快,这表明参与者可能已经意识到在基于特征的条件下集合大小减小了,从而掩盖了可能的半场效应。在三项研究中,我们通过评估搜索项的特征和空间子集之外的干扰因素(Exp1)的处理,表征了特征和空间的搜索阵列预览效果,进一步研究了半场优势限于基于空间的搜索的程度。基于特征的搜索任务(Exp2),并操纵基于特征的搜索任务的空间确定性(Exp3)。在所有研究中,参与者都在以不同的偏心率以黑白单侧或双侧排列的牵张器“ L”中搜索旋转目标“ T”。基于特征的搜索参与者被告知只能在白色搜索项中查找;以空间为基础的参与者被告知只能看着中间的偏心率。在Exp1中,我们发现以无人值守的数组偏心率包含目标项目对两种搜索条件的搜索性能都没有影响。有趣的是,我们还找到了两种搜索条件下半场独立性的证据。在Exp2中,无论是否有预览,基于特征的搜索的RT都更快。半场优势仅在基于空间的搜索中观察到。在Exp3中,我们控制了两种搜索条件下目标的空间确定性,发现与基于空间的搜索相比,基于特征的搜索没有更快的RT,也没有发现基于特征的半场优势,这表明我们观察到的半场对特征的好处基于Exp1的搜索可能归因于基于特征的目标发生位置的空间确定性(总是在中间偏心距中)。对于基于空间的搜索,半场独立性的证据持续存在。这些结果进一步证明了半场独立性仅存在于基于空间的关注中。



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