首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Candida nivariensis, an Emerging Pathogenic Fungus with Multidrug Resistance to Antifungal Agents

Candida nivariensis, an Emerging Pathogenic Fungus with Multidrug Resistance to Antifungal Agents




In 2005, Candida nivariensis, a yeast species genetically related to Candida glabrata, was described following its isolation from three patients in a single Spanish hospital. Between 2005 and 2006, 16 fungal isolates with phenotypic similarities to C. nivariensis were submitted to the United Kingdom Mycology Reference Laboratory for identification. The strains originated from various clinical specimens, including deep, usually sterile sites, from patients at 12 different hospitals in the United Kingdom. PCR amplification and sequencing of the D1D2 and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) regions of the nuclear ribosomal gene cassette confirmed that these isolates from the United Kingdom are genetically identical to C. nivariensis. Biochemically, C. glabrata and C. nivariensis are distinguished by their differential abilities to assimilate trehalose. However, in contrast to the original published findings, we found that C. glabrata isolates, but not C. nivariensis isolates, are capable of assimilating this substrate. Antifungal susceptibility tests revealed that C. nivariensis isolates are less susceptible than C. glabrata isolates to itraconazole, fluconazole, and voriconazole and to have significantly higher flucytosine MICs than C. glabrata strains. Finally, C. nivariensis could be rapidly distinguished from the other common pathogenic fungus species by pyrosequencing of the ITS2 region. In the light of these data, we believe that C. nivariensis should be regarded as a clinically important emerging pathogenic fungus.
机译:2005年,从西班牙一家医院的三名患者中分离出了 Candida nivariensis ,这是一种与 gladata 遗传相关的酵母。在2005年至2006年之间,有16种真菌的表型与 C相似。 nivariensis 已提交给英国真菌学参考实验室进行鉴定。这些菌株源自英国12家不同医院的患者的各种临床标本,包括通常无菌的较深部位。核糖体基因盒的D1D2和内部转录间隔区1(ITS1)区的PCR扩增和测序证实,这些来自英国的分离物与 C在基因上相同。 nivariensis 。从生化角度看, C。 glabrata C。 nivariensis 的不同之处在于它们吸收海藻糖的能力不同。但是,与最初发表的发现相反,我们发现 C。 glabrata 分离株,但不是 C。 nivariensis 分离物能够吸收这种底物。抗真菌药敏试验表明, C。 nivariensis 分离株比 C较不易感染。 glabrata 分离出伊曲康唑,氟康唑和伏立康唑,并且氟胞嘧啶MICs明显高于 C。 glabrata 菌株。最后是 C。通过对ITS2区域进行焦磷酸测序,可以快速地将nivariensis 与其他常见的病原真菌种类区分开。根据这些数据,我们认为 C。夜曲应被视为临床上重要的新兴病原真菌。



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