首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Evaluation of School Development Approaches by Administrators at TRNC State Primary Schools, According to Administrators, Teachers, and Parents

Evaluation of School Development Approaches by Administrators at TRNC State Primary Schools, According to Administrators, Teachers, and Parents




The basic aim of this thesis is to look into the various dimensions of School Development Approaches used by Administrators in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) State Primary Schools, from the perspectives of Administrators, Teachers, and Parents. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected for the study and the research pattern was set as “content analysis” and “general scanning model”. Interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Random sampling technique of probability based sampling methods was used in order to establish the study group. A total of 57 participants were included in the research, of which 17 were administrators, 20 were teachers, and 20 were parents. Questions were prepared for the interview forms used in gathering data, taking into consideration the factors affecting school development. Administrators, teachers, and parents were asked the same questions. The researcher personally contacted all of the participants and answers to the questions were obtained through interviews. The findings of the research are summarized below: The number of female participants was larger. The largest age group of participants is 41-45. Among administrators and teachers, the participant group with the highest years of service has been working for 21 years or more; the participant group with the longest period of time in the same school have been working for 11-15 years. As for parents, the participant group has been parents at the same school for 1-3 years at the most. In answering questions in the interview form, concerning the school development approaches used by administrators, participants stated in a high percentage that; student performances in relation to education and training services are often evaluated; administrators pay attention to creating a positive organizational climate and culture with teachers and parents. Among the school development approaches used by administrators, participants stated that the least implemented areas of school development were lack of a library meeting the educational and training needs of the school, and not organizing in-service training for professional development of teachers. Parents form the largest group of participants who have the least amount of knowledge about the school development approaches implemented by administrators. It is observed that, according to the majority of participants, in relation to school development approaches by administrators, the school has a vision, individual training of students is given importance, student performances are often evaluated, the works to create a positive organizational climate and culture with teachers, students, parents, and close environment are given importance, in-service training of teachers is encouraged, and activities are designed for the awareness of students that they need. According to the majority of participants, in relation to the school development approaches implemented by administrators, there is no library to meet the educational and training needs of the school, and activities for the professional development of teachers are not designed. According to the majority of participants, in relation to the school development approaches implemented by administrators – although the percentages show variety and not in the highest percentage – it can be seen that new projects are produced at school, educational activities are carried out based on drama, and awareness created for parents that they need. As for having a building and yard suitable for educational and training works, getting feedback from graduates, other sections of the society joining the works in creating a positive organizational climate and culture at school, the administrators supporting teachers in creativity and innovativeness, organizing training activities aimed at the society, differences were observed in the approaches of administrators, teachers, and parents. In general, it can be seen that administrators and parents are in accordance with the school development approaches used by administrators.



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