首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Brazil: Analysis of a Spanish-Brazilian Scientific Cooperation Project in CAL

The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Brazil: Analysis of a Spanish-Brazilian Scientific Cooperation Project in CAL




Over the past few years, the internationalisation of Higher Education has become a priority in Brazilian educational policies. The importance of internationalisation has become apparent thanks to numerous initiatives, ranging from the increase in funding for graduate and postgraduate research stays abroad to projects of scientific cooperation between universities in different countries. In this context, this paper explores a scientific cooperation project developed by two universities in Brazil and Spain: the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), relating to the field of Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL). First of all, the internationalisation of the Brazilian Higher Education will be discussed, and the different initiatives - such as theCiência sem Fronteiras(Science without Borders) Programme launched by the BrazilianConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico(CNPq) - will be presented. Following that, the paper will focus on the original proposal for the ongoing cooperation project between the UNICAMP and the UPV and on the results obtained until now. Next, the initiative will be analysed with special attention to the importance and the impact that internationalisation has made on Brazilian higher education. Finally, the authors will further explore the ways in which cooperation projects such as the one dealt with in this paper contribute towards the improvement of education. This improvement is mainly due to factors such as: fostering the integration of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) into teaching-learning practices; investing in teacher training in their home countries and abroad; and encouraging the development of high-quality multimedia materials and authoring tools.
机译:在过去的几年中,高等教育的国际化已成为巴西教育政策中的优先事项。由于采取了许多举措,国际化的重要性已变得显而易见,从增加留在国外的研究生和研究生研究经费到不同国家的大学之间的科学合作项目不等。在这种情况下,本文探讨了巴西和西班牙的两所大学开发的一项科学合作项目:计算机辅助学习(CAL)领域的Estampual de Campinas大学(UNICAMP)和瓦伦西亚政治大学(UPV) 。首先,将讨论巴西高等教育的国际化,并提出不同的举措,例如由巴西国立中央科学技术大学(CNPq)发起的“无国界科学计划”。此后,本文将重点关注UNICAMP与UPV之间正在进行的合作项目的原始建议以及迄今为止所取得的成果。接下来,将对该计划进行分析,并特别注意国际化对巴西高等教育的重要性和影响。最后,作者将进一步探讨合作项目(如本文中涉及的项目)如何有助于改善教育。这种改进主要归因于以下因素:促进将信息和通信技术(ICT)整合到教学实践中;投资本国和国外的教师培训;并鼓励开发高质量的多媒体材料和创作工具。



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