首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >Cross-reactive lysis of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-derivatized H-2 incompatible target cells by cytolytic T lymphocytes generated against syngeneic TNP spleen cells.

Cross-reactive lysis of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-derivatized H-2 incompatible target cells by cytolytic T lymphocytes generated against syngeneic TNP spleen cells.




Normal spleen cells, when cultured with irradiated trinitrophenyl (TNP)-derivatized syngeneic spleen cells, develop cytotoxic effectors that lyse most effectiviely a TNP-derivatized target that is H-2 compatible with the effector. However, these effectors also lyse to a lesser extent TNP tumor and TNP spleen targets that are H-2 incompatible. This cross-reactive lysis correlates with the degree of cytolysis seen on the TNP-derivatized syngeneic target; it appears to be medicated by Thy 1.2-bearing cells and is inhibited by antisera to the K and/or D loci of the target cell and not by antisera to non-K or non-D surface antigens. Nonradiolabeled TNP-derivatized lymphoid cells syngeneic to either the stimulator or the target are able to competitively inhibit cross-reactive lysis, while TNP chicken red blood cells are unable to specifically inhibit lysis. These data on cross-reactive lysis of TNP-conjugated targets are most consistent with the altered-self hypothesis.
机译:正常脾细胞与放射三硝基苯基(TNP)衍生的同质脾细胞一起培养时,会形成细胞毒性效应子,其最有效地裂解与效应子H-2相容的TNP衍生靶。但是,这些效应物也较小程度地裂解了H-2不相容的TNP肿瘤和TNP脾脏靶标。这种交叉反应性裂解与在TNP衍生的同基因靶标上观察到的细胞裂解程度相关。它似乎由带有Thy 1.2的细胞治疗,并被针对靶细胞K和/或D位点的抗血清抑制,而不被针对非K或非D表面抗原的抗血清抑制。与刺激物或靶标同源的非放射性标记的TNP衍生的淋巴样细胞能够竞争性地抑制交叉反应性裂解,而TNP鸡红细胞则不能特异性抑制裂解。这些与TNP偶联的靶标发生交叉反应裂解的数据与自我改变的假设最一致。



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