首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Is a Transdisciplinary Theory of Engagement in Organized Settings Possible? A Concept Analysis of the Literature on Employee Engagement, Consumer Engagement and Patient Engagement

Is a Transdisciplinary Theory of Engagement in Organized Settings Possible? A Concept Analysis of the Literature on Employee Engagement, Consumer Engagement and Patient Engagement




Organizations are experiencing increased competition, disruptive innovation, and continuous changes in their social and economic context. Furthermore, the decrease of resources (economic and human) in such a demanding context make it imperative for organizations to find new models and strategies to make their service delivery more sustainable at the economic, environmental and psychological levels. In such a complex scenario the concept of engagement of the individuals involved in organized settings (either as service providers or as final receivers) is a promising lever for innovation. However, despite the number of studies on the matter, the debate on engagement is still very fragmented because the corpus of literature addressing the different areas of engagement is divided and diverse in its nature. In this paper, we discuss the results of a conceptual analysis of the literature conducted in order to investigate overlapping features and areas of divergence among three different areas of investigation and application of the engagement phenomenon in organized settings: the domains of employee engagement, consumer engagement, and patient engagement. These are deliberately selected as prototypical of the phenomenon of engagement along the “inside/outside” of organizational settings. The analysis consisted in a qualitative conceptual survey? Of the scholarly literature indexed with the key terms “employee engagement,” “consumer engagement,” and “patient engagement.” We performed a key-word based survey? Of the literature in the Scopus database. A total of 163 articles were selected and analyzed. The analysis cast light on the following areas of conceptual overlap among employee, consumer and patient engagement: (1) engagement is different from empowerment and activation; (2) engagement is a multi-componential psychological experience; (3) engagement is a self-transformative experience; (4) engagement develops within a relational context; (5) engagement is a systemic phenomenon. These findings, although preliminary and in need of further investigation, suggest the feasibility of promoting a transdisciplinary reflection on the phenomenon of engagement in organized settings.
机译:组织正在经历日益激烈的竞争,颠覆性创新以及其社会和经济环境的不断变化。此外,在这种苛刻的情况下,资源(经济和人力)的减少使组织必须找到新的模式和策略,以使其服务交付在经济,环境和心理层面上更具可持续性。在这种复杂的情况下,参与有组织的环境中的个人(无论是作为服务提供者还是作为最终接收者)的参与概念是创新的有希望的杠杆。但是,尽管对此事进行了许多研究,但关于订婚的辩论仍然非常分散,因为涉及订婚不同领域的文献集本质上是分散的和多样化的。在本文中,我们讨论了对文献进行概念分析的结果,目的是调查组织环境中参与现象在三个不同调查和应用领域的重叠特征和差异领域:员工参与,消费者参与领域以及患者参与度。故意选择这些作为沿组织设置的“内部/外部”参与现象的原型。分析包括定性概念调查?用关键词“员工敬业度”,“消费者敬业度”和“患者敬业度”索引的学术文献中。我们进行了基于关键字的调查? Scopus数据库中的文献。总共选择了163篇文章并进行了分析。分析的重点是员工,消费者和患者参与的以下概念重叠领域:(1)参与不同于授权和激活; (2)参与是一种多元心理体验; (3)参与是一种自我转变的经历; (4)互动是在关系范围内发展的; (5)参与是一种系统性现象。这些发现尽管是初步的,需要进一步研究,但表明了促进对参与有组织环境的现象进行跨学科反思的可行性。



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