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Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Uttaradit, Thailand




To the Editor: Dengue hemor-rhagic fever (DHF) has been recog-nized as a disease of young children inthe past. Three decades ago mostreported case-patients in Thailandwere 3–6 years of age (1). Increasingevidence shows that the age groupmost affected is changing (2). Wereport evidence that in Uttaradit,Thailand, the predominant age ofthose who acquire DHF has increasedby at least 2 years during the 1990s.Uttaradit is a province in the north-ern part of Thailand. DHF is endemicin Uttaradit, as it is in most parts ofthe country. Between 1992 and 2001,three major outbreaks of DHFoccurred, in 1993, 1998, and 2001.The number of DHF cases report-ed to the Provincial Health Officefrom January 1992 to December 2001(classified by age groups) was used asthe estimated annual DHF incidence.Case definition and categorizationfollowed the International StatisticalClassification of Diseases and RelatedHealth Problems (ICD-10). DHF cat-egories reported in this study includedboth DHF without shock and thedengue shock syndrome (the numberof cases and deaths combined).Dengue fever, a milder disease mani-festation, was not included.The age distribution of DHF casesshowed that, in the 1993 epidemic,children 5–9 years of age had thelargest proportion of cases, whereas in2001, the peak age of those infectedwas 10–14 years. The transitionalstage (mean age 11.3 years) wasobserved in 1998.During the observed period, theannual mean age of DHF case-patients ranged from 8.4 to 15.1 years.Despite some fluctuation, the meanage of DHF case-patients was 10 years
机译:致编辑:登革热出血热(DHF)在过去已被视为幼儿疾病。三十年前,泰国报告最多的病例患者为3-6岁(1)。越来越多的证据表明,受影响最大的年龄组正在变化(2)。据报道,在泰国的程逸府,获得DHF的人的主要年龄在1990年代至少增加了2岁。程逸府是泰国北部的一个省。就像在该国大部分地区一样,DHF是异烟肼异丁菊酯。在1992年至2001年之间,分别在1993年,1998年和2001年发生了3次DHF暴发。以1992年1月至2001年12月向省卫生局报告的DHF病例数(按年龄组分类)作为估计的每年DHF发病率病例定义和分类遵循《国际疾病和相关健康问题统计分类》(ICD-10)。本研究报道的DHF类别包括无休克的DHF和登革热休克综合症(病例数和死亡数之和),但不包括登革热(一种较轻的疾病表现),DHF病例的年龄分布表明,在1993年流行病中,5-9岁儿童占最大比例,而在2001年,受感染者的最高年龄为10-14岁。 1998年观察到过渡期(平均年龄11.3岁)。在观察期内,DHF病例的年平均年龄为8.4至15.1岁。尽管有所波动,DHF病例的平均年龄为10岁。



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