首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >HEPA/Vaccine Plan for Indoor Anthrax Remediation

HEPA/Vaccine Plan for Indoor Anthrax Remediation

机译:HEPA /室内炭疽疫苗计划



We developed a mathematical model to compare 2indoor remediation strategies in the aftermath of an outdoorrelease of 1.5 kg of anthrax spores in lower Manhattan. The2 strategies are the fumigation approach used after the2001 postal anthrax attack and a HEPA/vaccine plan,which relies on HEPA vacuuming, HEPA air cleaners, andvaccination of reoccupants. The HEPA/vaccine approachleads to few anthrax cases among reoccupants if applied toall but the most heavily contaminated buildings, and recov-ery is much faster than under the decades-long fumigationplan. Only modest environmental sampling is needed. Asurge capacity of 10,000 to 20,000 Hazmat workers isrequired to perform remediation within 6 to 12 months andto avoid permanent mass relocation. Because of the possi-bility of a campaign of terrorist attacks, serious considera-tion should be given to allowing or encouraging voluntaryself-service cleaning of lightly contaminated rooms by age-appropriate, vaccinated, partially protected (through masksor hoods) reoccupants or owners
机译:我们开发了一个数学模型来比较曼哈顿下城1.5 kg炭疽芽孢室外释放后的两种室内补救策略。这两种策略是在2001年邮政炭疽热袭击之后使用的熏蒸方法和HEPA /疫苗计划,该计划依赖于HEPA吸尘,HEPA空气净化器和重新接种疫苗。如果将HEPA /疫苗的方法应用于除污染最严重的所有建筑物以外的其他人群,几乎不会引起炭疽病例,而且恢复过程比几十年的熏蒸计划要快得多。仅需要适度的环境采样。要求10,000至20,000 Hazmat工人的突击能力在6至12个月内进行补救,并避免永久性大规模搬迁。由于可能发生恐怖袭击,应认真考虑允许或鼓励年龄适当的,已接种疫苗,受到部分保护(通过口罩或头罩)的居住者或所有者自愿或自助清洁轻度污染的房间



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