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SCID mouse models of acute and relapsing chronic Toxoplasma gondii infections.




Lymphodeficient scid/scid (SCID) mice died from acute infection with a strain of Toxoplasma gondii that causes chronic infection with mild symptoms in immunocompetent non-SCID mice. However, most SCID mice reconstituted with spleen cells from immunocompetent mice 1 month prior to T. gondii infection survived in good health after a transient period during which they appeared ill. Unreconstituted SCID mice given sulfadiazine in their drinking water from day 10 of Toxoplasma infection onward survived the acute phase of infection and lived for many weeks without overt symptoms. Histological examination revealed Toxoplasma cysts in their brains. However, if sulfadiazine was withdrawn from the drinking water of these chronically infected SCID mice, the mice died within 1 week with large numbers of trophozoites throughout their brains. These findings establish SCID mice as a potentially useful resource with which to study various aspects of immunological control of T. gondii infection during either its acute or chronic phase. Furthermore, the ability to produce chronic infections with avirulent T. gondii in SCID mice and to cause acute relapsing infections at will suggests that SCID mice may be helpful in evaluating potential therapies for acute and chronic T. gondii infections in immunocompromised patients.
机译:淋巴不足的scid / scid(SCID)小鼠死于刚体弓形虫菌株的急性感染,该菌株在具有免疫能力的非SCID小鼠中引起慢性感染并伴有轻度症状。但是,大多数在刚弓形虫感染前1个月用免疫功能小鼠的脾细胞重建的SCID小鼠在出现不适的短暂时期后仍然健康。从弓形虫感染的第10天开始,未经再配制的SCID小鼠在饮用水中给予磺胺嘧啶,在感染的急性期中存活了下来,并且存活了数周而没有明显的症状。组织学检查发现他们的大脑中存在弓形虫囊肿。但是,如果从这些慢性感染的SCID小鼠的饮用水中撤出磺胺嘧啶,则这些小鼠会在1周内死亡,大脑中充满大量滋养体。这些发现将SCID小鼠确立为一种潜在有用的资源,可用于研究刚地弓形虫感染在急性期或慢性期免疫控制的各个方面。此外,在SCID小鼠中产生无毒弓形虫慢性感染并引起急性复发性感染的能力表明,SCID小鼠可能有助于评估免疫受损患者急性和慢性弓形虫感染的潜在疗法。



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