首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Science and Technology >Modern Event Names as the Reflection of Integration of Different Cultures

Modern Event Names as the Reflection of Integration of Different Cultures




Background/Objectives: The goal of this study is to examine gradual influence of Western and Russian cultures on the Kazakh society using examples of modern event names in 1991, 2000, and 2015. Methods: In order to reach the objectives, we have used several linguistic methods: descriptive method, method of component analysis, continuous sampling method and lexical-semantic analysis. Findings: The notion of event and the term 'eventonym' have been considered in the context of the research. The names and types of modern events have been analyzed as lexical phenomena that reflect linguistic situation in Kazakhstan. The processes of Russification, Westernization (globalization) and a formation of national identities were indicated during the analysis of cultural event names. The process of globalization through implementation of modern events has the consequences such as the creation of multicultural environment. However, total adaptation of international cultural events can result in endangering Kazakh national identity. Applications/Improvements: The obtained results may be used in the further study of eventonyms based on the extensive factual material found in Kazakhstani mass media and published in the period of the independence.



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