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Agility eats Legacy - the Long Good-bye




Digital disruption is a key driver of business development. Only those companies who embrace the new digital options and find their appropriate speed for change will survive. As speed is often matched with agility it is important to look deeper into the concept of agility. Furthermore, this document addresses questions of measurability while relating it to experiences in Germany. IT is a driver of agility, but is also driven by agility. It is necessary to discuss the role agile IT plays in a company’s success on the market. A reorientation of the IT towards agility is one of the keys to leveraging commercial success. Low-code platforms and agile methods like scrum play a crucial role. IT strategists have to decide upon how and how fast agile approaches can replace traditional project management approaches and tools. Finally, the C-Level has to lead the company from a hard-coded silos approach to an interlinked, team and task-based organization.
机译:数字中断是业务发展的关键驱动力。只有接受新的数字选择并找到合适的变革速度的公司才能生存。由于速度通常与敏捷性相匹配,因此深入研究敏捷性概念很重要。此外,本文档在将可测量性与德国的经验相关联的同时,还解决了可测量性问题。 IT是敏捷性的驱动力,但也受敏捷性驱动。有必要讨论敏捷IT在公司在市场上的成功中所扮演的角色。 IT向敏捷性的重新定位是利用商业成功的关键之一。低代码平台和敏捷方法(例如Scrum)起着至关重要的作用。 IT战略家必须决定敏捷方法如何以及如何取代传统的项目管理方法和工具。最后,C级必须带领公司从硬编码的孤岛方法转变为一个相互联系的,基于团队和基于任务的组织。



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