首页> 中文期刊> 《韩山师范学院学报》 >从“尺素雅牍”到世界遗产--略论潮人对侨批历史文化价值逐步深化认识的漫长之路




民国《潮州志》把侨批列为“四大行业之”一,2013年侨批入选世界记忆遗产名录。这期间,潮汕地区的侨批收集、收藏和研究,经历了半个多世纪的历程。从上世纪40年代我国有四部著作论及华侨汇款,到潮汕地区民间集邮爱好者收集侨批封;从潮汕地区的大学、潮学研究单位收集、研究侨批,到人大代表提议侨批申遗,并获成功,潮人对侨批历史文化价值的认识经历了一个不断深化的过程。%In Teochew (Chaozhou) Chorography, which originated in the period of the Republic of China, Qiaopi (the remittance from overseas Chinese) was recognized as one of four key industries in Chaozhou. Far over the century till on 19th June, 2013, it was finally registered in the Memory of the World Heritage. During this long period, it went through over half of centrury for Chaozhou People to collect and study these oversea re-mittance letters. This paper discusses the on-going process of Chaozhou People’s recognization of the histori-cal and cultural value of Qiaopi, based on:the four works that stated Qiaopi early in 1940s;folk Qiaopi collec-tion in Chaozhou district;organizational collection by universities and institutes engaging in Chaozhoulogy;the application for the list of Memory of the World and the successful registration in June 2013 as the result of a proposal advanced by representatives of People’s Congress of Guangdong.



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