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Pure Culture Fermentation of Brined Cucumbers




The relative abilities of Pediococcus cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum, L. brevis, and several other species of lactic acid bacteria to grow and produce acid in brined cucumbers were evaluated in pure culture fermentations. Such fermentations were made possibly by the use of two techniques, gamma radiation (0.83 to 1.00 Mrad) and hot-water blanching (66 to 80 C for 5 min), designed first to rid the cucumbers of naturally occurring, interfering, and competitive microbial groups prior to brining, followed by inoculation with the desired lactic acid bacteria. Of the nine species tested, strains of the three common to cucumber fermentations, P. cerevisiae, L. plantarum, and L. brevis, grew to the highest populations, and produced the highest levels of brine acidity and the lowest pH values in fermentations at 5.4 to 5.6% NaCl by weight; also, their sequence of active development in fermentations, with the use of a three-species mixture for inoculation, was in the species order just named. This sequence of occurrence was similar to that estimated by others for natural fermentations. The rates of growth and acid production in fermentations with a mixture of P. cerevisiae, L. plantarum, and L. brevis increased as the incubation temperature was increased from 21 to 27 to 32 C; however, the maximal populations and acidities attained were essentially the same for fermentations at each temperature. Further, these same three species were found to be the most salt tolerant of those tested; their upper limit for appreciable growth and measurable acid production was about 8% salt, whereas thermophilic species such as L. thermophilus, L. lactis, L. helveticus, L. fermenti, and L. delbrueckii exhibited a much lower salt tolerance, ranging from about 2.5 to 4.0%. However, certain strains of L. delbrueckii grew very rapidly in cucumbers brined at 2.5 to 3.0% salt, and produced sufficient acid in about 30 hr at 48 C to reduce the brine pH from above 7.0 to below 4.0. An inexpensive, pure culture fermentor which was suitable for gamma radiation, resistant to salt and acid, and which permitted repeated aseptic sampling of the fermenting brine, is illustrated and the specifications are given.
机译:在纯培养发酵中,评估了酿酒酵母,植物乳杆菌,短乳杆菌和其他几种乳酸菌在盐水黄瓜中生长和产生酸的相对能力。这种发酵可能是通过使用两种技术进行的,伽马辐射(0.83至1.00 Mrad)和热水烫(66至80 C,持续5分钟),这两种技术的设计首先是消除黄瓜中天然存在的,干扰性的和竞争性微生物。在腌制之前先将其分组,然后接种所需的乳酸菌。在所测试的9个物种中,黄瓜发酵的三种常见菌株,即酿酒酵母(P. cerevisiae),植物乳酸杆菌(L. plantarum)和短杆菌L. brevis(L. brevis),生长到最高种群,并在发酵时产生最高水平的盐水酸度和最低pH值。 NaCl重量比为5.4至5.6%同样,它们在发酵中的活跃发育顺序(使用三种物种的混合物进行接种)按物种顺序命名。该发生顺序与其他人对自然发酵的估计顺序相似。随着温度从21升到27到32摄氏度,在酿酒酵母,植物乳杆菌和短乳杆菌的混合发酵中,生长速率和产酸速率增加。但是,在每个温度下发酵所获得的最大菌群和酸度基本相同。此外,发现这三个物种在所测试的物种中最耐盐。它们的可观生长和可测酸产生的上限是大约8%的盐,而嗜热菌(如嗜热乳杆菌,乳酸乳杆菌,瑞士乳杆菌,发酵乳杆菌和德氏乳杆菌)的耐盐性要低得多,从大约2.5到4.0 %。但是,某些德尔氏乳杆菌菌株在盐浓度为2.5%至3.0%的黄瓜中生长非常迅速,并在48℃约30小时内产生足够的酸,以将盐水的pH值从7.0以上降低至4.0以下。说明了一种便宜的,纯净的培养发酵罐,该发酵罐适用于伽玛射线辐射,耐盐和酸,并允许对发酵盐水进行重复无菌采样,并给出了规格。



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