首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Characterization of a Highly Hop-Resistant Lactobacillus brevis Strain Lacking Hop Transport

Characterization of a Highly Hop-Resistant Lactobacillus brevis Strain Lacking Hop Transport




Resistance to hops is a prerequisite for lactic acid bacteria to spoil beer. In this study we analyzed mechanisms of hop resistance of Lactobacillus brevis at the metabolism, membrane physiology, and cell wall composition levels. The beer-spoiling organism L. brevis TMW 1.465 was adapted to high concentrations of hop compounds and compared to a nonadapted strain. Upon adaptation to hops the metabolism changed to minimize ethanol stress. Fructose was used predominantly as a carbon source by the nonadapted strain but served as an electron acceptor upon adaptation to hops, with concomitant formation of acetate instead of ethanol. Furthermore, hop adaptation resulted in higher levels of lipoteichoic acids (LTA) incorporated into the cell wall and altered composition and fluidity of the cytoplasmic membrane. The putative transport protein HitA and enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway were overexpressed upon hop adaptation. HorA was not expressed, and the transport of hop compounds from the membrane to the extracellular space did not account for increased resistance to hops upon adaptation. Accordingly, hop resistance is a multifactorial dynamic property, which can develop during adaptation. During hop adaptation, arginine catabolism contributes to energy and generation of the proton motive force until a small fraction of the population has established structural improvements. This acquired hop resistance is energy independent and involves an altered cell wall composition. LTA shields the organism from accompanying stresses and provides a reservoir of divalent cations, which are otherwise scarce as a result of their complexation by hop acids. Some of the mechanisms involved in hop resistance overlap with mechanisms of pH resistance and ethanol tolerance and as a result enable beer spoilage by L. brevis.
机译:对啤酒花的抵抗力是乳酸菌破坏啤酒的前提。在这项研究中,我们在代谢,膜生理和细胞壁组成水平上分析了短乳杆菌的啤酒花抗性机制。发酵啤酒的微生物L. brevis TMW 1.465适用于高浓度啤酒花化合物,并与不适应的菌株进行了比较。适应啤酒花后,新陈代谢发生了变化,从而使乙醇压力降至最低。不适应的菌株主要将果糖用作碳源,但在适应啤酒花后可作为电子受体,并同时形成乙酸盐而不是乙醇。此外,啤酒花适应导致更高水平的脂联壁酸(LTA)并入细胞壁,并改变了细胞质膜的组成和流动性。啤酒花适应后,假定的转运蛋白HitA和精氨酸脱亚氨酶途径的酶被过表达。没有表达HorA,并且啤酒花化合物从膜到细胞外空间的转运并未说明适应后啤酒花的抗性增加。因此,跳动电阻是一种多因素动态特性,可以在自适应过程中发展。在啤酒花适应过程中,精氨酸分解代谢有助于能量和质子原动力的产生,直到一小部分人的结构得到改善。这种获得的啤酒花抗性与能量无关,并且涉及改变的细胞壁组成。 LTA可以保护生物免受伴随的压力,并提供二价阳离子的储存库,否则由于酒花酸的络合,二价阳离子会稀缺。涉及啤酒花抗性的一些机理与耐pH性和乙醇耐受性的机理重叠,结果使得啤酒因短乳杆菌变质。



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