首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Role of Spontaneous Current Oscillations during High-Efficiency Electrotransformation of Thermophilic Anaerobes

Role of Spontaneous Current Oscillations during High-Efficiency Electrotransformation of Thermophilic Anaerobes




Current oscillations at about 24 MHz were observed during electrotransformation (ET) of the thermophilic anaerobes Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405, C. thermocellum DSM 1313, and Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum YS 485, using a pulse gated by a square signal generated by a custom generator. In experiments in which only the field strength was varied, all three of these strains resulted in a one-to-one correspondence between the appearance of current oscillations and successful ET. Oscillations accompanied ET of both C. thermocellum strains only at field strengths of ≥12 kV/cm, and ET was only observed above the same threshold. Similarly, for T. saccharolyticum, oscillations were only observed at field strengths of ≥10 kV/cm, and ET was only observed above the same threshold. When a passive electrical filter consisting of an inductor and resistor in parallel was added to the system to prevent the development of oscillations, ET efficiencies were reduced dramatically for all three strains at all field strengths tested. The maximum tested field strength, 25 kV/cm, resulted in the maximum measured transformation efficiency for all three strains. At this field strength, the efficiency of ET in the absence of oscillations was decreased compared to that observed in the presence of oscillations by 500-fold for C. thermocellum ATCC 27405, 2,500-fold for C. thermocellum DSM 1313, and 280-fold for T. saccharolyticum. Controls using the same apparatus with Escherichia coli cells or a resistor with a value representative of the direct current resistance of typical cell samples did not develop oscillations, and ET efficiencies obtained with E. coli were the same with or without the electrical filter included in the pulse generator circuit. The results are interpreted to indicate that spontaneously arising oscillations have a large beneficial effect on transformation efficiency in the system employed here and that the development of oscillations in this system is affected by the cell species present.
机译:使用由定制发生器产生的方波信号选通的脉冲,在嗜热厌氧杆菌热纤梭菌ATCC 27405,嗜热梭状芽胞杆菌DSM 1313和嗜热厌氧杆菌YS 485的电转化(ET)期间观察到约24 MHz的电流振荡。在仅改变场强的实验中,所有这三种应变导致电流振荡的出现与成功的ET之间一一对应。仅在场强≥12kV / cm的情况下,两种热纤梭菌菌株的ET都有振荡,而仅在同一阈值以上才观察到ET。类似地,对于解糖丁糖球菌,仅在≥10kV / cm的场强下观察到振荡,而仅在相同阈值以上观察到ET。当将由电感器和电阻器并联组成的无源电滤波器添加到系统中以防止产生振荡时,在所有测试的场强下,所有三个应变的ET效率都会大大降低。测试的最大场强为25 kV / cm,导致所有三个应变的实测转化效率最高。在这种场强下,无振荡的ET效率与有振荡的热纤梭菌ATCC 27405相比降低了500倍,由热成纤梭菌DSM 1313降低了2500倍,而有振荡的情况下降低了280倍用于解糖丁酸杆菌。使用同一仪器处理大肠杆菌细胞或电阻值代表典型细胞样品的直流电阻的对照物不会产生振荡,并且在有或没有包含电过滤器的情况下,用大肠杆菌获得的ET效率相同。脉冲发生器电路。解释结果表明,自发产生的振荡对此处使用的系统的转换效率具有很大的有益影响,并且该系统中振荡的发展受存在的细胞种类的影响。



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