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Three-Year Study To Assess Human Enteric Viruses in Shellfish




The main pathogenic enteric viruses able to persist in the environment, such as hepatitis A virus (HAV), Norwalk-like virus (NLV), enterovirus (EV), rotavirus (RV), and astrovirus (AV), were detected by reverse transcription-PCR and hybridization in shellfish during a 3-year study. Oyster samples (n = 108), occasionally containing bacteria, were less frequently contaminated, showing positivity for AV (17%), NLV (23%), EV (19%), and RV (27%), whereas mussel samples, collected in areas routinely impacted by human sewage, were more highly contaminated: AV (50%), HAV (13%), NLV (35%), EV (45%), and RV (52%). Sequences obtained from HAV and NLV amplicons showed a great variety of strains, especially for NLV (strains close to Mexico, Snow Mountain Agent, or Norwalk virus). Viral contamination was mainly observed during winter months, although there were some seasonal differences among the viruses. This first study of virus detection over a fairly long period of time suggests that routine analysis of shellfish by a molecular technique is feasible.
机译:通过逆转录检测出能够在环境中持续存在的主要病原性肠道病毒,例如甲型肝炎病毒(HAV),诺沃克样病毒(NLV),肠病毒(EV),轮状病毒(RV)和星状病毒(AV)。 -在3年的研究中,对贝类进行PCR和杂交。牡蛎样品(n = 108),偶尔含有细菌,受到的污染较少,显示出对AV(17%),NLV(23%),EV(19%)和RV(27%)的阳性,而在经常受到人类污水影响的地区收集的贻贝样品受到的污染程度更高:AV(50%),HAV(13%),NLV(35%),EV(45%)和RV(52 %)。从HAV和NLV扩增子获得的序列显示出多种菌株,尤其是NLV(接近墨西哥,雪山毒剂或诺沃克病毒的菌株)。尽管病毒之间存在一些季节性差异,但是主要在冬季观察到病毒污染。这项在很长一段时间内对病毒检测的首次研究表明,通过分子技术对贝类进行常规分析是可行的。



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