首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Growth and cholesterol oxidation by Mycobacterium species in Tween 80 medium.

Growth and cholesterol oxidation by Mycobacterium species in Tween 80 medium.

机译:Tween 80培养基中分枝杆菌的生长和胆固醇氧化。



Mycobacterium strain DP was isolated from marine coastal sediment and tested for its ability to oxidize cholesterol in Tween 80-cholesterol (2.59 mM) medium. Strain DP degraded cholesterol to 4-cholesten-3-one (cholestenone), 4-androsten-3,17-dione (AD), 1,4-androstadien-3,17-dione (ADD), testosterone, and 1-dehydrotestosterone (DHT). Cholesterol disappeared in about 4 days. Cholestenone, AD, testosterone, and DHT accumulations were transient with peak concentrations of 300, 600, 30 to 40, and 21 microM. ADD production peaked after 6 days with a concentration of 1,100 microM. Peak ADD concentrations and production rates compared well with those reported for strain NRRL B3683 on cyclodextrin medium. Tween 80 medium was superior to finely dispersed cholesterol particles for both strains. In comparison, NRRL B3683 (patented for its ability to accumulate AD and ADD) on Tween 80 medium transiently accumulated more AD (approximately 1,000 microM) than did strain DP, but ADD accumulations (200 microM) were significantly lower than those for strain DP. Strain DP could be adapted to grow on ADD, which was initially inhibitory at 3.25 mM. ADD-adapted strain DP cultures produced approximately four times as much DHT from ADD than unadapted cultures did from cholesterol, showing that additional manipulation might enhance testosterone production. We believe that ADD toxicity might account for the low ADD accumulations by NRRL B3683 in Tween 80 medium.
机译:从海洋沿海沉积物中分离出分枝杆菌菌株DP,并测试了其在Tween 80-胆固醇(2.59 mM)培养基中氧化胆固醇的能力。 DP菌株将胆固醇降解为4-胆甾烯3-1(胆甾烯酮),4-雄甾烯3,17-二酮(AD),1,4-雄甾烷3,17-二酮(ADD),睾丸激素和1-脱氢睾酮(DHT)。胆固醇在约4天内消失。胆固醇,AD,睾丸激素和DHT的积累是短暂的,峰值浓度为300、600、30至40和21 microM。 6天后,ADD产量达到峰值,浓度为1,100 microM。与环糊精培养基上的NRRL B3683菌株相比,ADD的峰值浓度和生产率高。对于两种菌株,Tween 80培养基均优于精细分散的胆固醇颗粒。相比之下,在吐温80培养基上的NRRL B3683(因其具有积累AD和ADD的能力而获得专利)比DP菌株瞬时积累了更多的AD(约1,000 microM),但ADD积累(200 microM)明显低于DP菌株。 DP菌株可以适于在ADD上生长,ADD最初在3.25mM处被抑制。适应ADD的菌株DP培养物从ADD产生的DHT大约是未经胆固醇培养的DHT的四倍,这表明额外的操作可能会增强睾丸激素的产生。我们认为ADD毒性可能是NRRL B3683在Tween 80培养基中的低ADD积累的原因。



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