首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Genetic transformation in Lactobacillus sp. strain 100-33 of the capacity to colonize the nonsecreting gastric epithelium in mice.

Genetic transformation in Lactobacillus sp. strain 100-33 of the capacity to colonize the nonsecreting gastric epithelium in mice.




Lactobacillus isolates able to colonize the surfaces of the nonsecreting epithelia in the stomachs of monoassociated ex-germfree mice were derived from Lactobacillus acidophilus 100-33. Strain 100-33 was originally isolated from pig feces and is unable to colonize the murine gastric epithelium. In experiments involving attempts genetically to transform the capacity to colonize the epithelium, cells of strain 100-33 were treated with muralytic enzymes and mixed with polyethylene glycol and genomic or plasmid DNA extracted from Lactobacillus fermentum RI. Strain RI was originally isolated from a conventional mouse and has the capacity to colonize the nonsecreting gastric epithelium. The mixtures containing cells, polyethylene glycol, and DNA were plated on a regeneration medium. After overnight incubation, the cells were washed from the plates and introduced by gastric gavage into germfree mice. Only mice that received regenerated 100-33 cells previously mixed with genomic DNA from strain RI had layers of gram-positive bacteria on the keratinized epithelia of their stomachs. Six isolates cultured from the washed gastric tissues of these animals were characterized. When a culture of each or a pool of cultures of the six were orally administered to germfree mice, layers of gram-positive bacterial cells were visible on the keratinized gastric epithelia of the animals within 1 to 3 weeks. Cells of all six, but not of strain 100-33, reacted with antibody made in rabbits to L. fermentum RI cells, as determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Nevertheless, all six had fermentation profiles identical to that of strain 100-33.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
机译:能够在单联的无胚芽小鼠的胃中定殖于非分泌上皮表面的乳酸杆菌分离株衍生自嗜酸乳杆菌100-33。菌株100-33最初是从猪粪中分离出来的,无法在鼠胃上皮中定殖。在涉及尝试通过遗传改变上皮定居能力的实验中,用易溶酶处理菌株100-33的细胞,并与聚乙二醇和从发酵乳杆菌RI提取的基因组或质粒DNA混合。 RI菌株最初是从常规小鼠中分离出来的,具有定殖非分泌性胃上皮细胞的能力。将含有细胞,聚乙二醇和DNA的混合物铺在再生培养基上。过夜温育后,将细胞从平板上洗净,并通过胃管法引入无菌小鼠中。只有接受再生的100-33细胞的小鼠事先与RI菌株的基因组DNA混合,才能在其胃角化上皮细胞上形成革兰氏阳性细菌层。表征了从这些动物的洗胃组织中培养的六种分离株。当将每种培养物或六种培养物的培养液口服给予无菌小鼠时,在1-3周内在动物的角化胃上皮细胞上可见革兰氏阳性细菌细胞层。如通过酶联免疫吸附测定所确定的,全部六个细胞但不是菌株100-33的细胞都与兔子制备的针对发酵乳杆菌RI细胞的抗体反应。尽管如此,所有六个菌株的发酵曲线都与菌株100-33相同(摘要以250字截短)



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