首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists >Metrologic Traceability of Total Thyroxine Measurements in Human Serum: Efforts to Establish a Network of Reference Measurement Laboratories

Metrologic Traceability of Total Thyroxine Measurements in Human Serum: Efforts to Establish a Network of Reference Measurement Laboratories




Background: Assuring/demonstrating metrologic traceability of in vitro diagnostics necessitates the availability of measurand-specific reference measurement systems (RMSs) and the possibility for industry to work with competent reference measurement laboratories (RMLs). Here we report the results of a European project to investigate the feasibility of developing a RMS for serum total thyroxine.Methods: Four candidate RMLs (cRMLs) developed/implemented variants of a candidate reference measurement procedure (cRMP) based on isotope dilution–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. The sole constraint implemented was calibration with a common thyroxine primary calibrator. The RMPs were externally validated and assessed for comparability in round-robin trials using common samples, i.e., 5 lyophilized and 33 frozen native sera. At the same time, the performance of the cRMLs organized in a network was assessed. For uniform external quality assessment, common performance specifications were agreed on.Results: All cRMLs performed the cRMPs with fulfillment of the predefined specifications: total and between-laboratory CVs ≤2.0% and 2.5%, respectively, and a systematic deviation ≤0.9%, estimated with a target assigned from the mean of means obtained by the cRMLs. The mean expanded uncertainty for value assignment to the native sera was 2.1%.Conclusions: A network of cRMLs, with externally conformed competence to properly perform RMPs, has been established. Performance specifications were defined and will form the basis for admittance of new network members. A serum panel, successfully targeted during the validation process, is available for split-sample measurements with commercial routine measurement procedures. The model can now be used for other measurands for which traceability to the Système International d’Unités is needed.
机译:背景:要确保/证明体外诊断的计量可追溯性,就必须要有被测量物专用的参考测量系统(RMS),并且工业界必须与称职的参考测量实验室(RML)合作。在这里,我们报告了一个欧洲项目的结果,该项目研究了开发血清总甲状腺素RMS的可行性。方法:基于同位素稀释-液相色谱法的四种候选RML(cRML)已开发/实现了候选参考测量程序(cRMP)的变体-质谱。唯一的限制是使用普通的甲状腺素主要校准物进行校准。使用常规样品,即5份冻干的和33份冷冻的天然血清,在外部试验中对RMP进行了外部验证并评估了可比性。同时,评估了在网络中组织的cRML的性能。结果:所有cRML都执行了cRMP,并符合预定的规范:总CV和实验室间CV分别≤2.0%和2.5%,系统偏差≤0.9%,用从cRML获得的均值的平均值分配的目标进行估算。对于本机血清的价值分配,平均扩展不确定性为2.1%。结论:已建立具有外部整合能力以正确执行RMP的cRML网络。定义了性能规格,并将成为接纳新网络成员的基础。在验证过程中成功靶向的血清板可用于采用商业常规测量程序进行的分离样品测量。该模型现在可以用于需要追溯到SystèmeInternational d'Unités的其他被测量对象。



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