首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Chromosomal radiosensitivity as a marker of predisposition to common cancers?

Chromosomal radiosensitivity as a marker of predisposition to common cancers?




We previously found that 40% of breast cancer patients showed enhanced sensitivity to X-ray induced chromosome damage in G2lymphocytes and suggested that this might indicate a low penetrance predisposition to breast cancer, for which there is good epidemiological evidence. We have now tested the hypothesis that elevated G2radiosensitivity is a marker of such predisposition to other common cancers. We tested patients with colorectal cancer, for which there is also good epidemiological evidence of inherited risk in a substantial proportion of cases, and patients with cancers having a strong environmental aetiology (lung and cervix). We also repeated our study of breast cancer cases and tested patients with chronic diseases other than cancer. The results support our hypothesis, in that 30% (12/37) of colorectal cases showed enhanced sensitivity compared with 9% (6/66) of normal healthy controls (P = 0.01), whereas the proportions of sensitive cervix (11%, 3/27, P = 0.72) and lung cancer cases (23%, 8/35, P = 0.07) were not significantly above normals. We confirmed the enhanced sensitivity of 40% (12/31, P = 0.001) of breast cancer patients and found that patients with non-malignant disease had a normal response in the assay (12%, 4/34, P = 0.73). We suggest that enhanced G2 chromosomal radiosensitivity is a consequence of inherited defects in the ability of cells to process DNA damage from endogenous or exogenous sources, of a type that is mimicked by ionizing radiation, and that such defects predispose to breast and colorectal cancer. ? 2001 Cancer Research Campaign
机译:我们先前发现40%的乳腺癌患者对X射线诱导的G2淋巴细胞染色体损伤显示出更高的敏感性,并暗示这可能表明其对乳腺癌的低易感性,这是有充分的流行病学证据的。现在,我们已经检验了以下假设:G2放射敏感性升高是其他常见癌症易感性的标志。我们对结直肠癌患者进行了测试,在大部分病例中,也有良好的流行病学证据表明遗传风险,并且癌症患者的病因学很强(肺癌和子宫颈癌)。我们还重复了对乳腺癌病例的研究,并测试了患有癌症以外的慢性疾病的患者。结果支持我们的假设,与正常健康对照组的9%(6/66)相比,大肠癌病例中30%(12/37)的敏感性提高(P = 0.01),而敏感子宫颈的比例(11 = 11) %,3/27,P = 0.72)和肺癌病例(23 %,8/35,P = 0.07)没有明显高于正常水平。我们确认乳腺癌患者的敏感性提高了40%(12/31,P = 0.001),并且发现非恶性疾病患者的检测结果正常(12%,4/34,P = 0.73) )。我们认为增强的G2染色体放射敏感性是细胞处理内源性或外源性DNA损伤的能力中的遗传缺陷的结果,这种缺陷被电离辐射所模仿,并且这种缺陷易患乳腺癌和结直肠癌。 ? 2001年癌症研究运动



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