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Ecological study of road traffic injuries in the eastern Mediterranean region: country economic level, road user category and gender perspectives




The Eastern Mediterranean region has the second highest number of road traffic injury mortality rates after the African region based on 2013 data, with road traffic injuries accounting for 27% of the total injury mortality in the region. Globally the number of road traffic deaths has plateaued despite an increase in motorization, but it is uncertain whether this applies to the Region. This study investigated the regional trends in both road traffic injury mortality and morbidity and examined country-based differences considering on income level, categories of road users, and gender distribution. Register-based ecological study linking data from Global Burden of Disease Study with the United Nations Statistics Division for population and World Bank definition for country income level. Road traffic injury mortality rates and disability-adjusted life years were compiled for all ages at country level in 1995, 2005, 2015 and combined for a regional average (n?=?22) and a global average (n?=?122). The data were stratified by country economic level, road user category and gender. Road traffic injury mortality rates in the Region were higher than the global average for all three reference years but suggest a downward trend. In 2015 mortality rates were more than twice as high in low and high income countries compared to global income averages and motor vehicle occupants had a 3-fold greater mortality than the global average. Severe injuries decreased by more than half for high/middle income countries but remained high for low income countries; three times higher for males than females. Despite a potential downward trend, inequalities in road traffic injury mortality and morbidity burden remain high in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Action needs to be intensified and targeted to implement and enforce safety measures that prevent and mitigate severe motor vehicle crashes in high income countries especially and invest in efforts to promote public, active transport for vulnerable road users in the resource poor countries of the Region.
机译:根据2013年的数据,东地中海地区的道路交通伤害死亡率排名第二,仅次于非洲地区,道路交通伤害占该地区总伤害死亡率的27%。尽管机动化程度有所提高,但全球道路交通死亡人数已达到稳定水平,但尚不确定这是否适用于本地区。这项研究调查了道路交通伤害死亡率和发病率的区域趋势,并考虑了收入水平,道路使用者类别和性别分布等国家差异。基于登记册的生态研究将全球疾病负担研究的数据与联合国统计司的人口和世界银行的国家收入水平定义联系起来。分别于1995年,2005年和2015年针对国家所有年龄段的道路交通伤害死亡率和伤残调整生命年进行了汇总,并合并了区域平均值(n = 22)和全球平均值(n = 122)。数据按国家经济水平,道路使用者类别和性别分类。该区域的道路交通伤害死亡率在所有三个参考年均高于全球平均水平,但表明呈下降趋势。 2015年,低收入和高收入国家的死亡率是全球平均水平的两倍以上,而机动车乘员的死亡率是全球平均水平的三倍。高收入/中等收入国家的重伤减少了一半以上,而低收入国家的重伤仍然很高;男性比女性高三倍。尽管有潜在的下降趋势,但东地中海地区的道路交通伤害死亡率和发病率负担仍然不平等。需要加强行动,并采取针对性措施,以执行和执行安全措施,以预防和减轻高收入国家尤其是严重的机动车撞车事故,并投资于努力促进本区域资源贫乏国家的弱势道路使用者的公共主动运输。



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