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Child survival and BCG vaccination: a community based prospective cohort study in Uganda




Background Data on non-specific effects of BCG vaccination in well described, general population African cohorts is scanty. We report the effects of BCG vaccination on post-neonatal infant and post-infancy mortality in a cohort of children in Mbale, Eastern Uganda. Methods A community-based prospective cohort study was conducted between January 2006 and February 2014. A total of 819 eligible pregnant women were followed up for pregnancy outcomes and survival of their children up to 5?years of age. Data on the children’s BCG vaccination status was collected from child health cards at multiple visits between 3?weeks and 7?years of age. Data was also collected on mothers’ residence, age, parity, household income, self-reported HIV status as well as place of birth. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models taking into account potential confounders were used to estimate the association between BCG vaccination and child survival. Results The neonatal mortality risk was 22 (95% CI: 13, 35), post-neonatal infant mortality 21 (12, 34) per 1,000 live births and the mortality risk among children between 1 and 5?years of age (post-infancy) was 63 (47, 82) per 1,000 live births. The median age at BCG vaccination was 4?days. Out of 819 children, 647 (79%) had received the BCG vaccine by 24?weeks of age. In the adjusted analysis, the rate of post-neonatal death among infants vaccinated with BCG tended to be nearly half of that among those who had not received the vaccine (adjusted HR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.14, 1.53). BCG vaccination was associated with a lower rate of death among children between 1 and 5?years of age (adjusted HR: 0.26; 95% CI: 0.14, 0.48). Conclusion The risk of early childhood death in Mbale, Uganda is unacceptably high. BCG vaccination was associated with an increased likelihood of child survival.
机译:在描述充分的非洲普通人群中,BCG疫苗接种的非特异性作用的背景数据很少。我们报道了在乌干达东部姆巴莱的一组儿童中,卡介苗接种对新生儿后和婴儿期死亡率的影响。方法在2006年1月至2014年2月之间进行了一项基于社区的前瞻性队列研究。对819名合格孕妇进行了随访,以了解其妊娠结局和5岁以下子女的生存情况。在3周到7周岁之间的多次访问中,从儿童健康卡中收集了儿童BCG疫苗接种状况的数据。还收集了有关母亲的住所,年龄,均等,家庭收入,自我报告的艾滋病毒状况以及出生地点的数据。考虑潜在混杂因素的多变量Cox比例风险回归模型用于估计BCG疫苗接种与儿童生存之间的关联。结果新生儿死亡风险为22(95%CI:13,35),新生儿每千活产婴儿死亡率为21(12,34),以及1至5岁儿童的婴儿死亡风险(婴儿后) )是每1,000例活产儿中有63例(47,82)。卡介苗接种的中位年龄为4天。在819名儿童中,有647名(79%)在24周龄之前接种了BCG疫苗。在调整后的分析中,接种卡介苗的婴儿的新生儿出生后死亡率接近未接种疫苗的婴儿的一半(调整后的HR:0.47; 95%CI:0.14,1.53)。 BCG疫苗接种可降低1至5岁儿童的死亡率(调整后的HR:0.26; 95%CI:0.14,0.48)。结论在乌干达姆巴莱,儿童早期死亡的风险过高。卡介苗接种与儿童存活的可能性增加有关。



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