首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Management Strategies that may Influence Wait Times

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Management Strategies that may Influence Wait Times




Objectives: (1) To describe the strategies employed by child mental health agencies to manage service demands; (2) to determine whether the types of strategies used are related to meeting Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) benchmarks and wait times; and, (3) to determine whether the types of strategies used are related to agency characteristics. Methods: An online questionnaire was distributed to 379 agencies providing child mental health services in Canada. The survey inquired about agency characteristics, wait times, ability to meet benchmarks and a series of strategies which may impact wait times. Spearman’s rank correlations were used to determine relationships between variables. Results: One hundred thirteen agencies returned adequately completed surveys (29.8%). Collaborating with other agencies/providers and referring families to self-help resources were the most commonly endorsed strategies. The use of more upstream/ pre-waitlist strategies was related to the ability to meet CPA benchmarks for urgent cases. No cluster of strategies was related to estimated wait times. Restriction strategies were most consistently related to agency size. Conclusions: Multiple strategies were endorsed by many agencies, but very few demonstrated relationships to wait time variables. Rigorous evaluation of commonly used service strategies are required to determine whether any positive impacts are being obtained by such efforts.
机译:目标:(1)描述儿童精神卫生机构用来管理服务需求的策略; (2)确定所使用的策略类型是否与达到加拿大精神病学协会(CPA)基准和等待时间有关; (3)确定所使用策略的类型是否与代理特征有关。方法:向加拿大的379家提供儿童心理健康服务的机构分发了在线问卷。该调查询问了代理商的特征,等待时间,达到基准的能力以及一系列可能影响等待时间的策略。 Spearman的等级相关性用于确定变量之间的关系。结果:113个代理商返回了充分完成的调查(29.8%)。与其他机构/提供者合作以及将家庭推荐给自助资源是最普遍认可的策略。使用更多上游/候补名单策略与满足紧急情况下的CPA基准的能力有关。没有任何一类策略与估计的等待时间相关。限制策略与代理商规模最一致。结论:多种策略得到了许多机构的认可,但是很少有人展示出与等待时间变量的关系。需要对常用的服务策略进行严格的评估,以确定这种努力是否正在获得任何积极的影响。



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