首页> 外文期刊>Journal of reproduction and fertility >Pharmacokinetics of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in male rabbits after acute and chronic administration and effect of chronic treatment on seminal prostaglandins, sperm quality and fertility

Pharmacokinetics of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in male rabbits after acute and chronic administration and effect of chronic treatment on seminal prostaglandins, sperm quality and fertility




Summary. The pharmacokinetics of various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were determined to find dosage regimens by which drug concentrations known as active from human anti-inflammatory therapy could be reached and maintained in rabbits during continued administration. Based on the pharmacokinetics and side-effects of the different drugs, phenylbutazone was selected for the fertility experiments. Treatment of male rabbits with phenylbutazone for 9 consecutive days significantly reduced seminal concentrations of PGE-2 and PGF-2α and tended to increase ejaculate volumes, sperm motility, and fertility. These results indicate that, at least in rabbits, inhibition of PG synthesis by prolonged treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does not impair male fertility. Instead, chronic treatment with the drugs at non-toxic doses may improve sperm quality and fertility.



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