首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development >Reliability of measures of gait performance and oxygen consumption with stroke survivors

Reliability of measures of gait performance and oxygen consumption with stroke survivors




This study assessed the reliability of gait performance with concurrent measures of oxygen consumption (VO2) in stroke survivors (SS). Nine male SS (60.00 ± 15.08 yr) had a recent history of stroke (44.56 ± 51.35 days since the stroke) and were receiving rehabilitation. Four had a right cerebrovascular accident (CVA), and five had a left CVA. Subjects walked without assistance, although three used a single cane to complete the test. Within 30 minutes, subjects completed two trials of a 5 min walk while walking back and forth on a 5 m walkway wearing a portable gas analyzer to collect samples of gases. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess reliability. The ICC for gait energy expenditure, walk distance, gait speed, and gait energy cost were 0.64, 0.97, 0.95, and 0.97, respectively. Assessment of gait performance with concurrent measures of VO2 is a reliable procedure with SS.
机译:这项研究评估了中风幸存者(SS)的步态表现的可靠性以及同时测量的氧气消耗(VO2)。 9名男性SS(60.00±15.08岁)最近有中风病史(自中风以来为44.56±51.35天),正在接受康复治疗。四个人有右脑血管意外(CVA),五个人有左CVA。尽管三名受试者用一根手杖完成了测试,但受试者没有帮助就走路。在30分钟内,受试者通过便携式气体分析仪在5 m的人行道上来回走动,完成了两次步行5 min的试验,以收集气体样本。组内相关系数(ICC)用于评估可靠性。步态能量消耗,步行距离,步态速度和步态能量成本的ICC分别为0.64、0.97、0.95和0.97。并发VO2评估步态表现是使用SS的可靠程序。



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