首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Primary and Secondary Igapó Forests in the Peruvian Amazon: Floristics, Physical Structure and the Predictive Value of Soil Bulk Density

Primary and Secondary Igapó Forests in the Peruvian Amazon: Floristics, Physical Structure and the Predictive Value of Soil Bulk Density




Igap forests are a key part of the Amazon.And so, it is important to know their floristics and physical structure, and how they may be influenced by their soil.The floristics and physical structure of 16 primary [1o] and secondary [2o] igap forest plots in Loreto Province, Peru was described and linear regressions were computed to explore whether soil bulk density could predict structural parameters.In the 1o forest, Fabaceae, Malvaceae and Rubiaceae were the most common families and Calycophyllum spruceanum, Ceiba samauma, Inga spp., Cedrela odorata, Copaifera reticulata, Phytelephas macrocarpa, Guazuma rosea, and Piptadenia pteroclada were the most common species.And as flooding increased, bulk density, stem density, stem size, species richness, Fishers , basal area and above-ground biomass all decreased.In the 2o forest, Urticaceae, Rubiaceae and Euphorbiaceae were the most common families and Cecropia membranacea, Sapium glandulosum, Pourouma guianensis and Byrsonima arthropoda were the most common species.The number of stems was greatest in the island 2o forest and lowest in the 1o forest under water for more than four months, and mean stem size, species richness, Fishers , basal area and above-ground biomass was lowest in the sandy beach 2o forest and highest in the 1o forest under water one to two months.Soil bulk density predicted mean stem size, species richness and Fishers well, where all three decreased as soils became more sandy.I conclude that as soil becomes less sandy with more clay content there is an increase in forest structural complexity, unpredictable flooding in 2o forests reduces structure more than the predictable flood pulse 1o forests receive, and soil bulk density may have a causal role for diversity in igap forests.
机译:伊加普森林是亚马逊河的重要组成部分。因此,了解它们的植物区系和物理结构以及如何受到土壤的影响非常重要。16个主要的[1o]和次要的[2o]描述了秘鲁洛雷托省的igap森林地块,并进行了线性回归分析,以探讨土壤容重是否可以预测结构参数。在1o森林中,豆科,锦葵科和茜草科是最常见的科,而云杉,云杉,雪茄,印加属香茅(Cedrela odorata),网叶茄(Copifera reticulata),大黄桑(Phytelephas macrocarpa),番石榴(Guazuma rosea)和ptptadenia pteroclada是最常见的物种。在2o林中,荨麻科,茜草科和大戟科是最常见的科,而盲肠膜,盲ap Sapium glandulosum,Pourouma guianensis和Byrsonima节肢动物都属于最常见的科。 e是最常见的物种。在水下四个多月的时间里,岛屿2o森林中的茎数最多,而1o森林中的茎数最少,平均茎大小,物种丰富度,Fishers,基础面积和地上生物量最低在2o的沙滩中,在水下一到两个月在1o的森林中最高。土壤容重预测平均茎大小,物种丰富度和Fishers状况良好,这三个因素均随着土壤变得多沙而减少。含沙量更多的沙质森林增加了森林的结构复杂性,2o森林中不可预测的洪水使结构比可预测的1o森林遭受的洪水脉冲更多,土壤体积密度可能对伊加普森林的多样性起因果作用。



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