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Description of meta-analysis of inquiry-based learning of science in improving students’ inquiry skills




This meta-analysis is the result of preliminary research which aims to describe the effectiveness of inquiri-based science learning in effort to improve students' inquiry skills. The study of meta-analysis with observation method and analyzed of fifteen journals, literature review using Google search engine in Journal of Baltic data base, ERIC journals (Education Resources Information Center and Google Scholar). Calculation of analysis used average Effect Size (ES), analyzed the articles as research samples, then categorized based on Cohen's criteria The results of the data analysis obtained average Effect Size of 0.45, with the category "medium". Variations between levels of education and the country of researchers in the journals, the highest effect was on the state of America with a score was 0.88, with the category "high" in elementary school level. Based on the analysis of all samples of this study concluded that inquiry-based learning can be used in the development of science learning and improving of students inquiry skills on each level of education.
机译:这项荟萃分析是初步研究的结果,旨在描述基于探究的科学学习在提高学生探究能力方面的有效性。运用观察方法进行荟萃分析,分析了15种期刊,在Google波罗的海数据库数据库中使用Google搜索引擎对文献进行了评论,在ERIC期刊(教育资源信息中心和Google Scholar)中进行了研究。分析的计算使用平均效应大小(ES),将文章作为研究样本进行分析,然后根据Cohen的标准进行分类。数据分析的结果得出平均效应大小为0.45,类别为“中等”。教育水平和期刊研究人员所在国家/地区之间的差异,对美国的影响最大,得分为0.88,小学水平为“高”。在对所有研究样本进行分析的基础上得出的结论是,探究式学习可以用于科学学习的发展和提高每个教育阶段学生的探究能力。



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