首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India >Predicting Successful Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery: Evaluation of Two Scoring Systems

Predicting Successful Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery: Evaluation of Two Scoring Systems




Background Attempting vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) places women at an increased risk of complications. Trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) calculators aim to predict the chance of successful vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) based on the patient’s preexisting demographic and clinical factors. Objective To assess the rate of successful TOLAC using two calculators: FLAMM and the Grobman calculator, and to compare the performance of the two calculators in the successful prediction of VBAC. Methods Prospective cohort study in subjects with previous one caesarean section using well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results A total of 280 subjects with previous one cesarean section were enrolled. One hundred thirty-nine subjects consented for TOLAC, 90 (67%) underwent successful trial of vaginal birth, and 49 (32.8) required cesarean section. Cervical dilatation (p??0.0001) and effacement (p??0.0001), and any prior vaginal delivery (p??0.02) were significantly associated with a successful outcome. At a cutoff score of 5, the sensitivity of the FLAMM score was 72% and specificity was 76%. For the Grobman calculator, the best sensitivity (69%) and specificity (67%) were seen at a cutoff score of 85%. Conclusion Both prediction models, the FLAMM and the “close to delivery” nomogram, recommended by Grobman et al. are easy to use and could successfully estimate the chances of vaginal birth in previous caesarean, in this small cohort. The decision for women opting for TOLAC can be individualized, and patient-specific chances of success can be predicted by the use of these prediction models.
机译:背景剖宫产(VBAC)后尝试阴道分娩会使妇女发生并发症的风险增加。剖宫产后分娩试验(TOLAC)计算器旨在根据患者先前的人口统计学和临床​​因素预测剖宫产后成功阴道分娩的机会。目的使用FLAMM和Grobman两种计算器评估TOLAC的成功率,并比较两种计算器在VBAC成功预测中的性能。方法采用明确的纳入和排除标准,对前一例剖腹产患者进行前瞻性队列研究。结果共纳入280名先前剖宫产的受试者。一百三十九名同意接受TOLAC的受试者,其中90名(67%)成功进行了阴道分娩试验,其中49名(32.8)需要剖宫产。宫颈扩张(p 0.0001)和脱皮(p 0.0001),以及任何先前的阴道分娩(p 0.02)与成功的结局显着相关。截止得分为5,FLAMM得分的敏感性为72%,特异性为76%。对于Grobman计算器,在85%的截止分数下观察到最佳的灵敏度(69%)和特异性(67%)。结论两种预测模型,即FLAMM和Grobman等人推荐的“接近交货”列线图。易于使用,并且可以在这个小规模人群中成功评估先前剖腹产中阴道分娩的机会。妇女选择TOLAC的决定可以个性化,并且可以通过使用这些预测模型来预测患者特定的成功机会。



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