首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences >Blue cathodoluminescence related to defect center in smithsonite

Blue cathodoluminescence related to defect center in smithsonite




Smithsonite occasionally exhibits a characteristic blue emission, known as cathodoluminescence (CL), which can be assigned to a lattice defect center by CL spectral analysis. The intensity of this emission is reduced at higher temperatures, suggesting a temperature quenching phenomenon. The activation energy in the quenching process was evaluated by a least-square fit of the Arrhenius plots using the integrated intensity of the emission component, and was found to be ~ 0.03 eV for the defect center. According to the Mott-Seitz model, the quenching process can be interpreted by an increase in non-radiative transition at higher temperatures. The value of the activation energy for a blue emission caused by the defect center corresponds to the vibration energy of the O-Zn-O bending mode in the lattice. It implies that the temperature quenching energy might be transferred as a phonon to the specific lattice vibration.
机译:钙钛矿偶尔会表现出特征性的蓝色发射,称为阴极发光(CL),可通过CL光谱分析将其分配给晶格缺陷中心。在较高的温度下该发射的强度降低,表明温度猝灭现象。使用发射分量的积分强度,通过最小二乘拟合法对Arrhenius图进行评估,得出淬火过程中的活化能,发现缺陷中心的活化能约为0.03 eV。根据Mott-Seitz模型,淬火过程可以通过高温下非辐射跃迁的增加来解释。由缺陷中心引起的蓝色发射的活化能的值对应于晶格中O-Zn-O弯曲模式的振动能。这意味着温度猝灭能量可能会作为声子传递给特定的晶格振动。



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