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Acute hydrothorax complicating peritoneal dialysis: a case report




Introduction Acute hydrothorax is an uncommon but a well-recognized complication of peritoneal dialysis. No single test is definitive for diagnosis. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, hydrothorax often requires abandonment of peritoneal dialysis. Delay in diagnosis can lead to worsening of the clinical status. Case Presentation A 33-year-old Caucasian woman with lupus, who was successfully treated with temporary peritoneal dialysis 17 years previously, presented with acute dyspnea and a right pleural effusion after recommencing peritoneal dialysis. Investigations eliminated infective, cardiac, and primary respiratory causes. Peritoneal dialysis-related hydrothorax was suggested by biochemistry, and a pleuroperitoneal leak was definitively confirmed by using a Tc-99 m DTPA (diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid) scintigraphy scan. Subsequently, she underwent video-assisted thoracoscopy-guided talc pleurodesis and was able to return successfully to peritoneal dialysis. Conclusion Although our case is not the first report that describes the occurrence of acute hydrothorax in peritoneal dialysis, it is an important condition to recognize for the wider general medical community. Furthermore, this case demonstrates that peritoneal dialysis can be continued with a hydrothorax, provided the underlying cause can be corrected. We review the literature pertaining to the utility and reliability of different diagnostic approaches to hydrothorax.
机译:引言急性胸腔积液是一种罕见的但公认的腹膜透析并发症。没有单一的测试可以明确诊断。尽管这不是危及生命的状况,但胸腔积液常常需要放弃腹膜透析。诊断延迟可能导致临床状况恶化。病例介绍一名33岁的白斑狼疮高加索女性患者,在17年前已成功接受临时腹膜透析治疗,在开始腹膜透析后出现急性呼吸困难和右胸腔积液。调查消除了感染,心脏和主要呼吸道原因。生物化学提示腹膜透析相关的胸腔积液,并通过Tc-99 m DTPA(二亚乙基三胺五乙酸)闪烁显像扫描法明确确诊腹膜漏。随后,她接受了电视胸腔镜引导的滑石粉胸膜固定术,并成功地恢复了腹膜透析。结论虽然我们的病例不是首次描述腹膜透析中发生急性胸膜积水的报道,但它是广泛医学界认可的重要条件。此外,这种情况表明,只要可以纠正根本原因,腹膜透析可以通过胸腔积液继续进行。我们回顾了有关胸腔积液的不同诊断方法的实用性和可靠性的文献。



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