首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology >Ergonomics of Prehensility in Pushing and Pulling Motions: An Anatomical and Biomechanical Overview

Ergonomics of Prehensility in Pushing and Pulling Motions: An Anatomical and Biomechanical Overview




The hand represents one of the most remarkable expressions of humanization of the anterior limb. The anterior limb, at first ambulatory, underwent continuous evolution acquiring innumerable new functions. In the course of human evolution the hand has undergone continual structural and functional adaptations, characterized, among others, by enrichment of peripheral innervation and further development of the thumb. This development was accompanied by important changes in the brain and the relocation of the eyes, together allowing the muscle control and stereoscopic vision, necessary for a controlled grip. The anatomy of the hand is complex, intricate, and fascinating. Its integrity is absolutely essential for our everyday functional living. It is intimately correlated with the brain, both in the evolution of the species and in the development of the individual. Actually, we can state that we a??thinka?? and a??feela?? with our hands, hence, their contribution is essential to the mental processes of thought and feeling. The aim of this review is to evaluate the most typical hand quality, the prehensility and hence, the possibility of manoeuvring tools. Our attention is mainly focused on the hand anatomy and prehensility during pushing and pulling motions. In particular, our attention is directed toward the relationship existing between the hand prehensility and the volume of the object to be gripped. As an example, we use a grip of the paddle and, pushing and pulling motions during kayak paddling. Indeed, we are firmly convinced that the prehensility plays a crucial role not only in performing the stylistically correct paddling, but especially in realizing a more effective and powerful paddle stroke. This review highlights a great link existing between biomechanical and anatomical notions and sporting performance.
机译:手代表了前肢人性化的最杰出表现之一。刚开始走动时,前肢经历了不断的进化,获得了无数新功能。在人类进化的过程中,手经历了持续的结构和功能适应,其主要特征是丰富了外围神经支配力并进一步发展了拇指。这种发展伴随着大脑的重大变化和眼睛的重新定位,共同实现了肌肉的控制和立体视觉,这是控制握力所必需的。手的解剖结构复杂,复杂且令人着迷。它的完整性对于我们的日常功能生活绝对至关重要。它在物种的进化和个体的发展中都与大脑紧密相关。实际上,我们可以说我们是“ thinka”。还有一个?因此,用我们的双手,它们的贡献对于思想和感觉的心理过程至关重要。这篇综述的目的是评估最典型的手部质量,柔韧性和因此而来的操纵工具的可能性。我们的注意力主要集中在推拉动作中的手部解剖结构和手感。特别地,我们的注意力集中在手的握力和要握住的物体的体积之间存在的关系上。例如,我们使用桨叶的抓地力,并在皮划艇划桨过程中进行推拉运动。的确,我们坚信,这种技巧不仅在进行风格正确的划桨时,而且在实现更有效和有力的划桨动作方面都起着至关重要的作用。这篇评论强调了生物力学和解剖学概念与运动表现之间的巨大联系。



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