首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society >Posttraumatic Intracranial Tuberculous Subdural Empyema in a Patient with Skull Fracture

Posttraumatic Intracranial Tuberculous Subdural Empyema in a Patient with Skull Fracture




Intracranial tuberculous subdural empyema (ITSE) is extremely rare. To our knowledge, only four cases of microbiologically confirmed ITSE have been reported in the English literature to date. Most cases have arisen in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis regardless of trauma. A 46-year-old man presented to the emergency department after a fall. On arrival, he complained of pain in his head, face, chest and left arm. He was alert and oriented. An initial neurological examination was normal. Radiologic evaluation revealed multiple fractures of his skull, ribs, left scapula and radius. Though he had suffered extensive skull fractures of his cranium, maxilla, zygoma and orbital wall, the sustained cerebral contusion and hemorrhage were mild. Eighteen days later, he suddenly experienced a general tonic-clonic seizure. Radiologic evaluation revealed a subdural empyema in the left occipital area that was not present on admission. We performed a craniotomy, and the empyema was completely removed. Microbiological examination identified Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( M. tuberculosis ). After eighteen months of anti-tuberculous treatment, the empyema disappeared completely. This case demonstrates that tuberculosis can induce empyema in patients with skull fractures. Thus, we recommend that M. tuberculosis should be considered as the probable pathogen in cases with posttraumatic empyema.
机译:颅内结核性硬膜下积脓(ITSE)极为罕见。据我们所知,迄今为止,英语文献中仅报道了4例经微生物学证实的ITSE病例。不论有无创伤,大多数肺结核患者均已发生。一名46岁的男子摔倒后出现在急诊室。到达后,他抱怨头部,面部,胸部和左臂疼痛。他机敏而有方向。最初的神经系统检查正常。放射学检查显示其颅骨,肋骨,左肩cap骨和radius骨多处骨折。尽管他的颅骨,上颌骨,骨瘤和眼眶壁颅骨广泛骨折,但持续的脑挫伤和出血是轻度的。 18天后,他突然经历了一次强直性阵挛性癫痫发作。影像学检查显示左枕区硬膜下积脓,入院时未出现。我们进行了开颅手术,并彻底清除了脓胸。微生物学检查确定了结核分枝杆菌(M. tuberculosis)。经过18个月的抗结核治疗,脓胸完全消失。这个案例表明,结核病可以在颅骨骨折患者中引起脓胸。因此,我们建议在创伤后脓胸中应将结核分枝杆菌视为可能的病原体。



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