首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. >Antifungal Activity of Some Natural Essential Oils Against Candida Species Isolated From Blood Stream Infection

Antifungal Activity of Some Natural Essential Oils Against Candida Species Isolated From Blood Stream Infection




Background: Candida is a part of normalmicroflora of human body and exists as anopportunistic pathogen as it attacksimmunocompromised patients. Aims andObjectives: Candida is the most commonlyisolated organism from blood streaminfections. Fluconazole is the major antifungaldrug used for treatment of Candida. Resistanceto fluconazole has been increasing in recentyears so there should be search of some otheralternative. To find out these alternatives, anticandidial activity of some natural essential oilswas studied. Materials and Methods: In thepresent study nine Candida strains isolatedfrom blood stream infections were collectedfrom National Culture Collection ofPathogenic Fungi (N.C.C.P.F.) P.G.I.M.E.RChandigarh India and the antifungal activity ofsome natural essential oils such as lemongrassoil, coconut oil, almond oil and clove oil waschecked by using agar diffusion method.Result: All oils have shown a significantlyanti-candidal activity. However, the antifungalactivity was maximum in lemongrass oil.Conclusion: Our study may help to design newchemotherapeutic strategies against Candidalinfections.



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