首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization >Preemptive and Preventive Measures in Combating Domestic Violence

Preemptive and Preventive Measures in Combating Domestic Violence




Elimination of domestic violence is a guarantee given by the state to prevent any violent acts within households, to take action against perpetrators of domestic violence, and to protect victims of domestic violence. Violence against women today are increasing significantly. With the increasing number of cases of violence against women as housewives and the alarming effect it, Indonesian government decided to ratify Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 Year 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Law of PKDRT) on September 14, 2004. Article 4 of the PKDRT Law emphasizes that the elimination of domestic violence aims to prevent all forms of violent acts within an household. In order to do preventive measures toward domestic violence, the Ministry which duties and responsibilities are in the field empowerment of women needs to carry out preventive actions, including organizing communication and information including education related to prevention of domestic violence. The Law of PKDRT is made as a legal basis for prevention and enforcement toward domestic violence. Preventing violence against women is a shared responsibility between the government and the community, this can be seen in Chapter V, in Article 12 and Article 15 of PKDRT Law. Therefore, it is our responsibility to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence that occur within the household. Efforts to prevent violence against women as housewives can be done or prevented through two forms, through pre-emptive efforts and preventive efforts.
机译:消除家庭暴力是国家为防止家庭内部的任何暴力行为,对家庭暴力的肇事者采取行动并保护家庭暴力受害者提供的保证。今天,对妇女的暴力行为正在急剧增加。随着针对家庭主妇的暴力侵害妇女行为案件的数量不断增加并产生令人震惊的影响,印度尼西亚政府决定于2004年9月14日批准《印度尼西亚共和国第23年消除家庭暴力法》(PKDRT法)。 《 PKDRT法》第4条强调,消除家庭暴力的目的是防止家庭内部发生一切形式的暴力行为。为了对家庭暴力采取预防措施,负责赋予妇女权力的部委需要采取预防行动,包括组织交流和信息,包括与预防家庭暴力有关的教育。 PKDRT法是预防和执行家庭暴力的法律依据。防止对妇女的暴力行为是政府与社区之间的共同责任,这一点可见于《公示法》第5章第12条和第15条。因此,预防和消除家庭内部发生的一切形式的暴力是我们的责任。可以通过先发制人和预防工作两种形式来防止作为家庭主妇的暴力侵害妇女行为。



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