首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization >Transformation of the Value of the Local Wisdom Krik Slamat Sumbawa Regulation in the Formation of Regional Settlement of Conflict Management Lar

Transformation of the Value of the Local Wisdom Krik Slamat Sumbawa Regulation in the Formation of Regional Settlement of Conflict Management Lar

机译:冲突管理区域解决方案形成中当地智慧的价值转变Krik Slamat Sumbawa规章的形成



The values ??of indigenous communities krik slamat sumbawa used as a means of conflict resolution Lar land management (grazing paddock together). Then the values ??of local wisdom Krik this Slamat ditransformasiakan into Sumbawa Regency Regulation on the management of conflict resolution Lar. Land conflict is a matter of life and death, self-esteem, kumunitas existence, acknowlege culture, means silaturrahmi, wujut ideology, and worldviews know Samawa (person/people Sumbawa), shift function paddock grazing land together (Lar) in Sumbawa society is inevitable. The shift function is visible from social functions, ecosystems, spiritual and cultural sumbawa, associated with Lar land as grazing paddock together. Based on field data and research results, that conflict management Lar Badi (name paddock grazing together in the village of Badi) that occurred in 2008 to 2009 among a group of farmers with pertenak. In the conflict settlement approach positive law can not provide a sense of justice for both siding, the way in which by the way is musakara (consultation / mediation) Tokal Barema (seated together) who gave birth to peace of mind and satisfaction in shades of kinship (relatives) and glorify each other (mutual satingi), then shame (ila) as symbol honor society accomplish their sumbawa in what has become a common consensus. So the value of krik slamat transformation can animate the substantive law and the legal structure and legal culture of law, in the form of Sumbawa Regency Regulation on the management of conflict resolution Lar. Keywords: Conflict Lar, value krik slamat, Kosensus, Transformation
机译:土著社区的价值观krik slamat sumbawa用作解决Lar土地管理(放牧围场在一起)的手段。然后将当地智慧的价值观Krik将此Slamat ditransformasiakan纳入Sumbawa摄政条例中有关解决冲突的解决方案Lar。土地冲突是生死攸关的问题,是一种自尊心,生存的文化,承认文化,意味着silaturrahmi,wujut意识形态,世界观认识萨玛瓦人(Sumbawa人/人),而在Sumbawa社会中转移职能的围场共同放牧土地(Lar)是必然。从社会功能,生态系统,精神文化传承,以及与拉姆土地作为放牧牧场相关联的地方,都可以看到转变功能。根据实地数据和研究结果,冲突管理Lar Badi(在Badi村一起放牧的小牧场)发生在2008年至2009年,一群有棚户农户。在解决冲突的方法中,实法不能为双方都提供正义感,顺便说一句,穆萨卡拉(咨询/调解)托卡尔·巴雷玛(一起坐在一起)产生了内心的平静和满足感。亲戚(亲戚)和彼此荣耀(相互称呼),然后羞辱(ila)作为荣誉社会的象征,以一种普遍的共识实现了他们的相扑。因此,krik slamat转换的价值可以以《关于解决冲突的Lar的Sumbawa摄政条例》的形式,对实体法,法律结构和法律文化进行动画处理。关键字:冲突Lar,价值krik slamat,Kosensus,转型



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