
Eosinophilic Enteritis: A Delayed Diagnosis




Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders are a rare and complex group of disorders that are characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients often present with a wide range of signs and symptoms as any length or layer of the GI tract can be involved such as mucosal, muscular, or serosal. As a part of the workup, patients frequently undergo computed tomography scans and multiple endoscopies before the diagnosis is finally made as was true in our case of a 59-year-old male patient presenting with 2 months of nausea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. He underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopies, colonoscopies, video capsule study, and balloon enteroscopy before the diagnosis was confirmed histologically. Endoscopic and radiographic findings can be variable and are usually unpredictable. The diagnosis is confirmed on histopathological examination of biopsies that must show >15-50 eosinophils/high-power field based on the location in the GI tract. In our patient, erythema, scalloping, whitish exudate, and patches of villous blunting were noted in the duodenum to proximal ileum endoscopically with >50 eosinophils/high-power field confirming the diagnosis of eosinophilic enteritis. This class of diseases is often found in patients with a history of allergic disorders suggestive of hypersensitivity in the etiology of the disease although our patient had no such known history. Elimination diets and steroids are the mainstay of therapy and often lead to complete resolution of symptoms as well as endoscopic and radiographic findings in up to 90% of patients as was seen in our patient, although some patients have a chronic remitting course.
机译:嗜酸性胃肠道疾病是一组罕见且复杂的疾病,其特征在于胃肠道的嗜酸性浸润。患者通常表现出广泛的体征和症状,因为可能涉及胃肠道的任何长度或层,例如粘膜,肌肉或浆膜。作为检查的一部分,患者在最终做出诊断之前经常要进行计算机断层扫描和多次内窥镜检查,正如我们59岁的男性患者出现两个月的恶心,腹痛和体重减轻的情况一样。在进行组织学确认之前,他接受了食管胃十二指肠镜检查,结肠镜检查,视频胶囊研究和球囊肠镜检查。内窥镜检查和影像学检查结果可能是可变的,通常是不可预测的。活检的组织病理学检查证实了该诊断,该活检必须根据胃肠道的位置显示> 15-50嗜酸性粒细胞/高倍视野。在我们的患者中,在十二指肠至回肠近端内镜下观察到红斑,扇贝,发白渗出液和绒毛钝斑,内镜检查> 50嗜酸性粒细胞/高倍视野证实了嗜酸性肠炎的诊断。这类疾病通常在具有过敏性疾病史的患者中发现,尽管我们的患者没有已知病史,但提示该病的病因有超敏反应。消除饮食和类固醇是治疗的主要手段,尽管某些患者具有慢性病程,但正如我们的患者所见,通常可导致多达90%的患者完全缓解症状以及内窥镜和放射影像学发现。



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