首页> 外文期刊>Journal of human kinetics. >Physiological Demands, Morphological Characteristics, Physical Abilities and Injuries of Female Soccer Players

Physiological Demands, Morphological Characteristics, Physical Abilities and Injuries of Female Soccer Players




The popularity of female soccer is increasing as well as the number of females playing soccer. Similarly, over the last twenty or so years, research in soccer has increased significantly, but a large disparity exists in the volume of studies involving male and female players. As a consequence of this, female players remain less well understood compared to males. The purpose of the present narrative review was to describe morphological characteristics, physiological demands, physical abilities and injuries in female soccer players. Physiological demands are similar between men’s and women’s soccer, but competitive women’s matches were characterized by nearly 33% less distance covered, although at higher intensity levels (maximum speeds greater than 15 km/h) than typically found in the men’s game. Sub-elite female players also tended to run less at higher intensity levels at the end of both halves in comparison with elite female players. High intensity running is an important factor of success in soccer since many critical moments of the game occur under this condition. The ability to rapidly change direction also determined elite, sub-elite and amateur levels. The implementation of functional training, which focused on soccer-specific drills and plyometric exercises, to improve explosive power, may improve conditioning in female soccer players as well as decrease the risk of injuries which was 3-8 times higher in females compared to males. This review presents an in-depth overview of the most influential factors for determining success in female soccer.
机译:女子足球的普及以及女子足球的数量正在增加。同样,在过去的二十多年中,对足球的研究已经大大增加,但是涉及男性和女性球员的研究量却存在很大差异。因此,与男性相比,女性运动员的了解程度仍然较低。本篇叙事综述的目的是描述女足球运动员的形态特征,生理需求,体能和伤害。男子和女子足球的生理需求相似,但竞技女子比赛的特点是覆盖距离减少了近33%,尽管在强度水平上(最高速度大于15 km / h)比男子比赛中所发现的要高。与精英女性选手相比,在两个半场结束时,次精英女性选手在较高强度水平下的跑动也较少。高强度奔跑是足球成功的重要因素,因为在这种情况下会发生许多关键的比赛时刻。快速改变方向的能力还决定了精英,次精英和业余水平。功能训练的实施侧重于足球专用的操练和测深运动,以提高爆炸力,可以改善女足球运动员的身体状况,并降低受伤风险,女性的受伤风险是男性的3-8倍。这篇评论对决定女性足球成功的最有影响力的因素进行了深入的概述。



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