首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >The Relationships of Mosquito Habitat Existence and Patients Personal Protection of Malaria in District Merlung Tanjabbar Work Health Area in 2013

The Relationships of Mosquito Habitat Existence and Patients Personal Protection of Malaria in District Merlung Tanjabbar Work Health Area in 2013

机译:2013年Merlung Tanjabbar工作区医疗区蚊虫栖息地的存在与疟疾患者个人保护的关系



One of infectious diseases in all developing countries is malaria. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that live and breed in human red blood cells. The spread of malaria caused by the persistence of the parasite as a source and as an intermediary Anopheles malaria transmission; changes in uncontrolled environments, the high mobility of the population of the region endemic and endemic areas; unhealthy people's behavior; limited accesss to health care one of them due Community Resources (HR) are not sufficient numbers of health, research objectives Knowing relationship where mosquito habitat and individual protection measures with the incidence of malaria in Puskesmas Merlung 2013. Cross-sectional design of a study in which the independent variables affect the dependent variables observed simultaneously at the same time, the population of the entire number as many as 15 331 households, a sample of 99 families with a simple random sampling technique sampling. Based on the research results There is a relationship between the presence of the incidence of malaria mosquito habitats in Puskesmas Merlung District of Tanjabbar in 2013, with p value 0.012 < (p = 0.05). There is a relationship between the protection of individuals with malaria incidence in Puskesmas Merlung in 2013, with a p value of 0.004 < (p = 0.05). Expected Conduct counseling about malaria as the cause of malaria, malaria symptoms, prevention of malaria and so forth, coordinate the health worker to perform Anopheles mosquito eradication efforts, health center staff in cooperation with the environment and public health workers in mosquito eradication activities, such as hoarding puddles, clean the bushes and grass around the house.
机译:在所有发展中国家中,传染病之一是疟疾。疟疾是由生活在人类红细胞中繁殖的疟原虫寄生虫引起的传染病。由于寄生虫的持续存在而引起的疟疾蔓延;疟原虫是疟疾的一种来源和中间传播途径;在不受控制的环境中发生变化,该地区特有和特有地区人口的高度流动性;不健康的人的行为;获得医疗服务的机会有限,其中一项是由于社区资源(HR)不足,无法提供足够的医疗服务,研究目标知道2013年Puskesmas Merlung蚊子栖息地和个人保护措施与疟疾发病率的关系。一项研究的横断面设计其中独立变量影响同时观察到的因变量,整个人口总数为15 331户,采用简单随机抽样技术对99户家庭进行抽样。根据研究结果,2013年坦贾布巴尔Puskesmas Merlung区疟疾蚊子栖息地的发生与存在相关,p值0.012 <(p = 0.05)。在2013年的Puskesmas Merlung中,疟疾发病率个体的保护之间存在关联,p值为0.004 <(p = 0.05)。预期进行有关疟疾的诱因,疟疾症状,疟疾预防等方面的咨询,协调卫生工作者开展按蚊灭蚊工作,与环境合作的卫生中心工作人员以及公共卫生工作者参与灭蚊活动,例如作为ho积的水坑,清洁房屋周围的灌木丛和草丛。



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