首页> 外文期刊>Journal of fisheries and aquatic science >Growth Response, Survival, Feed Conversion and Protein Utilization in Fingerlings of Rohu, Labeo Rohita (Hamilton) to Diets of Different Protein Levels

Growth Response, Survival, Feed Conversion and Protein Utilization in Fingerlings of Rohu, Labeo Rohita (Hamilton) to Diets of Different Protein Levels

机译:Rohu,Labeo Rohita(汉密尔顿)鱼种对不同蛋白质水平日粮的生长响应,存活率,饲料转化和蛋白质利用



A growth experiment was conducted to determine the optimum protein level for fingerlings of Labeo rohita (initial average weight 1.82±0.02 g). Four practical diets were formulated contain four protein levels (25, 30, 35 and 40%). Each diet was randomly assigned to four replicate groups of 10 fish per aquarium (60 x 30 x 30 cm). Fish were fed twice daily (08.30-09.00 h and 16.00-16.30) to apparent satiation for 7 weeks. The results showed that the growth was significantly influenced by protein levels (0.01). Fish fed the diet with 30 % protein had the higher specific growth rate (2.48±0.01) and protein efficiency ratio (1.75±0.07) than those with 25, 35 and 40% protein. While survival rate is best with 30-35% protein level. Carcass composition also revealed higher accumulation of protein and lipid in fish fed on diet containing 30% protein. These findings suggest that about 30% protein in diet appears to be sufficient for obtaining optimum growth in Labeo rohita .
机译:进行了一项生长实验,以确定最佳的Labeo rohita鱼种的蛋白质水平(初始平均重量为1.82±0.02 g)。配制了四种实用的饮食,其中包含四种蛋白质含量(25%,30%,35%和40%)。每种饮食被随机分为四个重复组,每个水族馆10条鱼(60 x 30 x 30厘米)。每天喂鱼两次(08.30-09.00 h和16.00-16.30),以饱腹感持续7周。结果表明,生长受到蛋白质水平的显着影响(0.01)。日粮中蛋白质含量为30%的鱼比蛋白质含量为25%,35%和40%的鱼具有更高的比生长率(2.48±0.01)和蛋白质效率比(1.75±0.07)。蛋白质水平为30-35%时,成活率最高。体成分还显示,在饲喂含30%蛋白质的饲料的鱼类中,蛋白质和脂质的积累更高。这些发现表明,饮食中大约30%的蛋白质似乎足以在Labeo rohita中获得最佳生长。



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