首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Processing & Technology >Chemical Characterization, Antioxidant and Enzymatic Activity of Brines from Scandinavian Marinated Herring Products

Chemical Characterization, Antioxidant and Enzymatic Activity of Brines from Scandinavian Marinated Herring Products




Brines generated during the last marination step in the production of marinated herring (Clupea harengus) were chemically characterized and analyzed for antioxidant and enzyme activities. The end-products were vinegar cured, spice cured and traditional barrel-salted herring with either salt or spices. The chemical characterization encompassed pH, dry matter, ash, salt, fatty acids, protein, polypeptide pattern, iron and nitrogen. The antioxidant activity was tested with three assays measuring: iron chelation, reducing power and radical scavenging activity. The enzymatic activity for peroxidase and protease were also tested. Results revealed that the brine can contain up to 56.7 mg protein/ mL, up to 20.1 mg fatty acid/mL, good antioxidant activity, high amounts of the antioxidative amino acids lysine, alanine, and glycine, and high enzymatic activity. The potential of using the protein-rich fraction with biological activity from brines from the marinated herring production was demonstrated in this work.
机译:化学腌制鲱鱼(Clupea harengus)的最后一个腌制步骤中产生的盐水经过化学表征,并分析了抗氧化剂和酶活性。最终产品是醋腌制,香料腌制和传统的盐或香料桶腌鲱鱼。化学表征包括pH,干物质,灰分,盐,脂肪酸,蛋白质,多肽形式,铁和氮。用三种测定法测试了抗氧化剂活性:铁螯合,还原能力和自由基清除活性。还测试了过氧化物酶和蛋白酶的酶活性。结果显示,盐水可包含高达56.7 mg的蛋白质/ mL,高达20.1 mg的脂肪酸/ mL,良好的抗氧化活性,大量的抗氧化氨基酸赖氨酸,丙氨酸和甘氨酸,并具有很高的酶促活性。这项工作证明了使用来自腌制鲱鱼生产的盐水具有生物活性的富含蛋白质的馏分的潜力。



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