
Media Review: Wisdom of the Heart:




There has recently been increasing interest in the effects of music on human health, so much so that a new journal was started by SAGE Publications (the publisher of the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine) entitled Music and Medicine (http://mmd.sagepub.com/). The effect of music on brain function is one of the areas being explored. Robert Monroe developed his Hemi-Sync? sounds with the idea that specifically chosen sound frequencies could synchronize electroencephalographic brain wave patterns to result in improved relaxation and meditation. Several studies have suggested possible better surgical anesthesia with these sounds.1–3 Now, the Grammy Award–winning music producer Barry Goldstein has combined his ambient music (generated on piano and keyboard and using synthesizers) with Hemi-Sync? sounds to create a 59-minute music CD. There are five tracks: Genesis; Heart; Home; Eden; Journey; and Breath. The effect is interesting. Listening with headphones is optimal and many individuals will find it to be quite relaxing. However, whether such relaxation has any long-term health benefits requires future research.
机译:最近人们对音乐对人类健康的影响越来越感兴趣,以至于SAGE出版物(基于证据的补充与替代医学杂志的出版者)开始了新的杂志,名为《音乐与医学》(http:// /mmd.sagepub.com/)。音乐对脑功能的影响是正在探索的领域之一。 Robert Monroe开发了Hemi-Sync?声音的想法是,特定选择的声音频率可以同步脑电图脑波模式,从而改善放松和冥想的感觉。几项研究表明,使用这些声音可能会带来更好的手术麻醉效果。1–3现在,获得格莱美奖的音乐制作人巴里·戈德斯坦(Barry Goldstein)将他的环境音乐(在钢琴和键盘上产生并使用合成器)与Hemi-Sync结合了起来。听起来可以制作59分钟的音乐CD。有五个轨迹:创世记;心;家;伊甸园旅程;和呼吸。效果很有趣。戴着耳机听音乐是最佳选择,许多人会觉得它很放松。但是,这种放松是否对长期健康有好处,还需要进一步的研究。



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