
Media Review: Wisdom of the Heart




It is now more than half a century since the hypothesis caught thescientific and public imagination that the toxicity of free radicalsand reactive oxygen species was a major underlying factor inhuman aging.1 The correlate of this idea was that treatment withantioxidants would improve health and prevent aging. Despitethousands of research studies (and according to the PubMed.govinternet databasemore than 85 000 articles on oxidative stress andnearly 350 000 articles on antioxidants), there is still uncertaintyabout the benefits of antioxidant therapy.One of the prolific skepticsconcerning antioxidant treatment is Randolph M. Howes,who summarized some of his thoughts in a recent article in theJournal of Evidence-Based Complementary & AlternativeMedicine.2 Howes has now produced a catalog of his evidencesuggesting that antioxidants are not only of no benefit in maintaininghealth and preventing disease but actually can be harmfulto many important normal cellular functions. This treatiseis actually divided into 2 books, with book 1 describing ‘‘antioxidantvitamin studies for the layman’’ and book 2 describing‘‘antioxidant vitamin studies for the medical scientist.’’ The textraises a number of good points, but its unconventional style(multiple sentences in boldface type and numerous font sizechanges) will be off-putting to many readers. Nonetheless,this book is a treasure trove of references and summariesof material that will be important to anyone interested inunderstanding the unfulfilled promise of restoring health andpreventing disease through antioxidant therapy.
机译:自从该假说引起了科学和公众的想象以来,已有半个多世纪的时间了,自由基和活性氧的毒性是人类衰老的主要潜在因素。1这种想法的相关性在于用抗氧化剂治疗将改善健康状况并防止衰老。尽管进行了大量的研究(根据PubMed.govinternet数据库的数据,有超过85 000条关于氧化应激的文章和近35万篇关于抗氧化剂的文章),但抗氧化剂治疗的益处仍存在不确定性。兰道夫·M·豪斯(Randolph M.Howes)是有关抗氧化剂治疗的多产怀疑论者之一。 ,他在最近的《循证医学与替代医学杂志》上的一篇文章中总结了他的一些想法。2豪斯现在提供了他的证据目录,这表明抗氧化剂不仅对维持健康和预防疾病无益,而且实际上可能对许多人有害重要的正常细胞功能。该论文实际上分为两本书,第一本书描述了“外行抗氧化维生素的研究”,第二本书描述了“医学科学家抗氧化维生素的研究”。该文提出了许多优点,但是其非常规的风格(粗体字的多个句子和多种字体大小的更改)将对许多读者不利。尽管如此,这本书还是参考资料和摘要的宝库,对于那些有兴趣了解通过抗氧化疗法恢复健康和预防疾病的未兑现承诺的人来说,这都是重要的。



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