首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Enhancement of Secondary Schools Students’ Moral Reasoning through the Christian Religious Education Curriculum in Nakuru County, Kenya

Enhancement of Secondary Schools Students’ Moral Reasoning through the Christian Religious Education Curriculum in Nakuru County, Kenya




Moral reasoning is important as it equips students with skills to distinguish between right and wrong. It is taught in Kenyan secondary schools through Christian Religious Education (CRE) and other carrier subjects. Despite exposure to moral reasoning content, moral judgment of students is generally unsatisfactory. This suggests that moral education imparted through the CRE and other carrier subjects have not achieved their objectives. This study examined the role of CRE in enhancing moral reasoning of public secondary school students’ in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised all secondary school students in the county while accessible population composed of 10,603 Form Four CRE students. A sample of 386 students was selected using stratified, proportionate and simple random sampling techniques. CRE Students’ Moral Reasoning Test (CRESMRAT) was used to gather data. The face and content validity of CRESMRAT was examined by five research experts from the department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management of Egerton University. The instrument was also piloted for reliability and its coefficient estimated using the Kuder Richardson’s formula (KR20). The reliability coefficient of the tool was 0.801. Qualitative data was described and summarised using frequencies and percentages while differences in moral reasoning by gender and school location were determined using the t-test. Role of CRE in enhancing students’ moral reasoning was established using open ended items. The results of the study indicated that the students’ moral reasoning level were average. The results also showed that difference in moral reasoning by gender was significant in favour of the females while the difference by school location was not. Majority of the respondent were of the view that CRE enhances moral reasoning. The results of the study can be used by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to enhance moral reasoning content of the CRE curriculum and other carrier subjects. Teacher training institutions can use also use the results to strengthen moral education and methodologies in their programmes. Lastly, the results can be used by the society to mold young people into responsible citizens.
机译:道德推理很重要,因为它使学生具备分辨是非的技能。在肯尼亚的中学通过基督教宗教教育(CRE)和其他载体科目进行授课。尽管暴露于道德推理的内容,但学生的道德判断通常并不令人满意。这表明通过CRE和其他承运人科目进行的道德教育尚未实现其目标。这项研究调查了CRE在增强肯尼亚纳库鲁县公立中学生的道德推理中的作用。该研究采用了描述性调查研究设计。目标人群包括该县所有中学学生,而可访问人群包括10603名中四级CRE学生。使用分层,比例和简单随机抽样技术选择了386名学生样本。使用了CRE学生的道德推理测验(CRESMRAT)来收集数据。来自埃格顿大学课程教学与教育管理系的五位研究专家对CRESMRAT的面孔和内容有效性进行了检查。该仪器还进行了可靠性试验,并使用Kuder Richardson的公式(KR20)估算了其系数。该工具的可靠性系数为0.801。使用频率和百分比描述和总结了定性数据,同时使用t检验确定了性别和学校所在地在道德推理上的差异。使用开放式项目确定了CRE在增强学生的道德推理中的作用。研究结果表明,学生的道德推理水平是平均水平。结果还表明,性别上的道德推理差异对女性有利,而学校所在地的差异则不明显。多数受访者认为,华润创业可以提高道德推理能力。肯尼亚课程发展研究所(KICD)可以使用该研究结果来增强CRE课程和其他载体科目的道德推理内容。教师培训机构也可以利用其结果在其课程中加强德育和方法论。最后,结果可以被社会用来塑造年轻人成为负责任的公民。



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