首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Factors Affecting Cheating-Behavior at Undergraduate-Engineering

Factors Affecting Cheating-Behavior at Undergraduate-Engineering




This study is a fraction of a larger-research on cheating in exams at the School of Engineering (SOE). The study-design used a descriptive-survey-approach and a document-analysis. A designed confidential self-report-questioner was applied as the main-instrument for this-study, with the sample-size of 100-subjects, and a response-rate of 95%. The tool was pre-tested to ensure its validity and reliability. The study focused on the Attribution-Theory and the Pareto-principle. The data-collection-instrument was subjected to the statistical-analysis to determine its reliability via Cronbach’s alpha-coefficient, and found high inter-item consistency ( a > 0.9). The major-results of this-study revealed that 65% of respondents declared that cheating is, in fact, a common-phenomenon in the SOE; 60% of students also affirmed, that it is, actually, difficult to eradicate cheating in examinations in the SOE; and 70% of students acknowledged that they use mobile-phones to Google or to assess notes, during examinations. The results also illustrate that cheating, undeniably, is a very-real-issue of massive-concern at SOE; accordingly, several-recommendations to fight cheating were given and areas for further-research were identified as well. The findings of the study would potentially help in curriculum-development and delivery approaches, and for the improvement of the exciting or establishment of new academic-integrity-polices, which would, in turn, limit the growing-tendency by candidates, to seek short-cuts to good-grades, in their academic-endeavors.
机译:这项研究是工程学院(SOE)对考试作弊的一项较大研究的一部分。研究设计使用了描述性调查方法和文档分析。本研究的主要工具是设计保密的自我报告提问者,样本量为100名受试者,回答率为95%。该工具已经过预测试,以确保其有效性和可靠性。该研究集中于归因理论和帕累托原理。通过Cronbach的alpha系数对数据收集工具进行了统计分析,以确定其可靠性,并发现项目间的一致性很高(a> 0.9)。这项研究的主要结果显示,有65%的受访者表示,作弊实际上是国有企业中的一种常见现象。 60%的学生还确认,实际上,在国企考试中很难消除作弊行为; 70%的学生承认在考试过程中使用了手机或Google来评估笔记。结果还表明,毫无疑问,作弊是国有企业非常关注的现实问题。因此,提出了一些打击作弊的建议,并确定了需要进一步研究的领域。该研究的结果可能有助于课程开发和授课方式,以及改善令人振奋或建立新的学术诚信政策的能力,这反过来将限制候选人的成长倾向,以寻求短期发展。 -在他们的学术努力中取得良好成绩。



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