首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Power and Authority in Adult Education

Power and Authority in Adult Education




This paper covers power and authority in adult education, focusing on the modern definitions of power and authority in the educational context, then moving into past precedents of the use of power and authority of classrooms. Finally, the optimal types of power and authority to apply to adult education are examined. Power defines a relationship between two parties where one follows the directives of the other. Authority is a legitimizing of the power, essentially the why one party should follow the other. What is concluded is that adults have different needs than younger students, and so power-sharing in the classroom with loose authority is likely the best way to approach an education situation due to the fact that adults are already autonomous in their everyday lives, have fully-developed brain physiology, and are more capable of communicating their concerns in a way that does not require heavy-handed, interventionist types of power and authority. Keywords:, power, authority , and adult education
机译:本文涵盖了成人教育中的权力和权威,着眼于教育背景下对权力和权威的现代定义,然后讨论了教室使用权力和权威的以往案例。最后,研究了适用于成人教育的最佳权力和权威类型。权力定义了两方之间的关系,其中一方遵循另一方的指示。权威是权力的合法化,本质上是一党为什么要跟随另一党的原因。结论是成年人与年轻学生的需求不同,因此,由于成年人已经在日常生活中具有自主权,因此在权力松散的教室里分享权力可能是解决教育状况的最佳方法。 -发展了大脑生理学,并且能够以不需要强力干预性力量和权威的方式来传达他们的担忧。关键字:,权力,权威和成人教育



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