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Controversy a Policy Change in the Curriculum in Indonesia in Terms of the Point of View of Indonesian Language Subject




The termination of the implementation of the curriculum 2013 by the ministry of culture primary and secondary education, continue to reap controversy.On the one hand the dismissal of the curriculum 2013 to a certain school will only gave rise to the application of a double. But on the other hand the turn and the termination of a curriculum not the main paradigm but educational world must be returned to virtually educate nations. In every time there is the curriculum developed in accordance with the needs of his day and all that good but more important is each of the curriculum must restore the system of education as a park students fun and put the role parents play teacher as. Transition curriculum 2006 and 2013 was unified inseparable and mutual educational objectives to sharpen indonesia curriculum 2006 overall essentialize holistic knowledge rather than just covering cognitive but also the attitude and physical skills. Learning of great culture is learning that reflect the values and norms culture of the nation who live in a situation of learning. The language is that human activities, was the all the time performed by human beings and only the man who can use of language in order to develop itself. As part inseparable from his life, language for human beings is a tool to achieve objectives. Learning the language of indonesia can be interpreted as a series of activities performed students to achieve certain language skills. The indonesian language as the official language introductory education may have been more get porsinya introductory as a language education in the application of the curriculum 2013. In the language curriculum 2013 indonesia started to occupy a position as the bearer of the language of science. Keywords: curriculum, KTSP, curriculum 2013, Indonesian Language, education, character.



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